[b]Elissa & Caleb[/b] Elissa's sat on the couch in her parent's living room, her knees bouncing as she studied the map on the coffee table in front of her. She'd been up early, too excited to sleep, and had woken Caleb up, too. Much to his annoyance. She had everything she needed packed and ready to go last night and she was eager to get on the road now. Caleb, on the other hand, had finished packing this morning and stood at the window now, sipping coffee as he kept an eye out for Cara and Norris to arrive. The RV sat in the driveway. It was huge, casting a monstrous shadow across their front garden in the morning sun. They'd forked out a little extra for a really luxurious one so that they'd be comfortable during the whole trip. They'd figured it would mean they could spend less money on hotel rooms unless they really felt like staying somewhere else and neither were too worried about having to live in such close proximity with the other three. They spend nearly all of their time together as it is and hadn't quite managed to kill each other. Yet, anyway. "What's taking so long?" Elissa moaned, standing up from her seat. She crossed to the window and leaned against Caleb who pushed her off and continued sipping his coffee with seemingly never ending patience. Elissa sighed in exasperation and returned to her cases to check for the fourth time that she hadn't forgotten anything. "You've got everything packed. Cut it out," Caleb told her as he glanced over his shoulder, running a hand over his messy hair and Elissa stuck her tongue out at him, childishly. "I've got to make sure! I'm a girl, what if I forgot to pack something vital. Like tampons," she teased because she knew it would creep him out and he cringed and looked away like she'd expected him to. "Ew. Okay, fine, whatever," he muttered, finishing his coffee and heading into the kitchen to wash the mug. And escape her, no doubt. Elissa chuckled to herself, zipping up her case for (hopefully) the final time as a wave of nausea washed over her. She jumped up, her hand flying to her mouth before she raced to the bathroom. She barely made it in time before the little she'd managed to eat for breakfast, resurfaced. She groaned in displeasure and pressed her forehead against the cool tiles on the walls for a second or two before standing and flushing the toilet. "Elissa? Are you ok?" Caleb's concerned voice called through the door and she cleared her throat before answering. "I'm fine! Just over excited, probably," she called back, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her mouth was pressed together in a grim line, her eyebrows creased in worry. This hadn't been the first time she'd been sick this week but she tried to push it out of her mind. She wasn't sick. She couldn't be. Not now that the trip was finally here. She washed her hands and brushed her teeth again, making sure to use plenty of mouthwash, before heading back out of the bathroom. She felt a little better now that her stomach was empty and forced a smile on her face as Caleb studied her. "I'm fine," she insisted again and he opened his mouth to object just as the doorbell rang. "That's them! Let's go," she encouraged, hurrying around him to get the door.