The walk over to where the orcs were was a bit more talkative than Decado would have liked. This was a young group, new, some probably never having fought in a real engagement. Their stomachs were turning over, their courage being questioned by themselves and they felt the need to put up a tough front, make it seem like none of them were truly afraid. Of course, this was probably not the first time that that had ever been in a fight, but it was probably the first time that they had fought orcs. Hell, it was the first time that he was going to be fighting orcs, on their own ground, anyways. Orcs usually fought depending very heavily on their armor. While they had no great weapon smiths, their armor was a thing of legend, although too heavy for most men to carry and fight in. The orc that he had fought that one time had been unarmored. He would have been lying if he didn't feel that off twinge in his stomach when he thought about going up against a fully armored orc that was ready for battle, but he quelled it. He was going to kill them, or die trying. There was simply no other way to go about it. As he watched his team arrange itself, he smiled. A good way to attack the orcs was to attack from more than one position. While they were great fighters, tactics, other than the basics of castle defense, were quite beyond them. So long as they didn't have an officer, they would fight one on one, dividing their forces and easy to overwhelm. Hopefully The team wouldn't botch the attack. He one of his swords, but left his left hand free, joining Kirena and waiting for the signal. He smiled as it was given, smirking as the first shot, presumably by Astiroth, hit the wolf in the face, killing it quickly, not allowing the orcs to raise an alarm. His eyes flickered back to his partner as she loosed her arrow, and then, to his horror, charged the orc wildly. Fuck. "Stay behind me," He growled. She could have gotten off at least one more shot before charging. She was already breaking through their cover, sword drawn, with Decado grudgingly rushing after her. He drew a throwing knife from the baldric and flickered his wrist, sending it off in the creature's directing. It was aimed for the orc's face, and hopefully would punch through the armor or find a hole to hit an eye or something, but doubted it. The reason was to distract the creature as he drew his shield from off his back and jumped in front of Kirena, shield up to stop any incoming attacks and get the hell out of her way.