Zack frowned internally at 'little one', but let it slide for now. He might have gone for an older look, if he hadn't felt he needed to work on the priest for a longer period. He doubted someone much older would be invited to stay there though, so he needed to look at least plausibly young. It didn't matter. Once he started healing, there would be enough time to let it sink in he wasn't a 'little one'. When the priest worked on drying his hair, Zack subtly leaned into the touch. His small sigh when the heat started to seep through didn't have to be an act. After several weeks worth of cold nights in damp places, it was a joy to be in a warm place again. He didn't know how all those humans living on the streets dealt with it. Poorly, he imagined. When the priest stepped away, he took the dry clothes with a smile and a muttered 'thank you'. He longed to finally feel dry again, so he wasted no time peeling off his soggy pants and under pants. It would be out of character to check if he was watching, so he kept his attention on getting dressed, making sure to move slowly as if his wounds were actually bothering him. Afterwards, he hung his wet clothes out over the back of the chair to dry before following the priest into the spare room. "You are very kind," he said quietly, letting a little disbelief seep into the tone. "Er.. I mean, not that I thought you wouldn't be," he followed, eyes wide. "The others said you were kind. I just... I'm not really used to it I guess." He looked the priest in the eye for just a second too long, before averting his eyes with a small blush. "The room is great, I'll make sure to keep it tidy. Er..." He looked around at the books littering the floor. "I won't move anything," he eventually settled on.