It was morning…or afternoon. Taho wasn’t sure, he was sure that he was awake now though. At least as sure as one can be about anything in this uncertain and nebulous world filled with illusion and false truths incapable of being recognized as such due to the limitations of an individual’s perception. Sure the sun was up, but was the sun something that was out in the morning, or was it something that came out at night? What even was the sun, and why did people assume that just because it came up in the morning and set in the evening that it would do so again. Past performance is no guarantee of future results… not that Taho remembered the past. Yawning the youth raised his one hand up and stretched. He was in a strange room, one he did not recognize. It was not a terribly interesting room, just a room with walls and a floor and some random furnishings. Was it his room, or someone else’s room? Well it didn’t matter either way; all that did matter was that he was here now, and that he was going to leave the room. There were clothes on the floor. He had not been sleeping on a bed, but rather on the thatch floor of the apartment. His body itched from the floor. There was no blanket or pillow, although as he looked around he noticed a lot of trash on the ground. Cans, cups, and there was even a goat and a dog lying down in the corner of the room. Ignoring the trash and animals he picked up his pants with his one hand and started to dress himself. The process was a bit awkward, at least when one considered what it was like to dress oneself with two hands, but he found himself getting dressed in a simple outfit without terrible difficulty. His clothes, much like the room, were not interesting. He wore a white t-shirt made from cotton and a pair of blue jeans with black tennis shoes. The clothes were clean, and he was unsure that they were even his, but they fit nice enough. There was nothing in the pockets of the pants, and there were no pouches or anything special where he could hold stuff even if he did have something. It was a very different outfit than a ninja would wear. Deciding that he didn’t want to be here anymore, wherever this place was, Taho trudged through the garbage until he reached the door. Stepping out he made his way into a hall. There was a door on one end of the hall and some stairs leading upwards on the other end. Several other doors lined the walls of the hallway, each possessing a number. As Taho headed towards the door at the end of the hallway he heard and smelled a great many things that he was uninterested in, food and conversation that he would never get to take part in. Making his way out of the doorway he stepped out into a warm and bright day. It was almost blinding, but after a few moments his eyes adjusted and he could see the village that lay outside of the apartment. Konohana spread out in the open sun was…well, It was a village. Even though he didn’t remember seeing this sight he wasn’t too terribly interested in it. There was a nice breeze that blew as he came outside, he liked that, and for a moment he stood in that breeze and let it caress his face and blow through his hair. With that the memories of the apartment and what he had been doing were gone. His stomach growled and Taho realized he was hungry. He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet, but nothing was there. That was troublesome, he should have a wallet, he was supposed to keep that on him. Maybe he had just lost it, but he couldn’t recall where he had been today. Well he would come up with something when he reached that one place that had the good food, where was it again? Well wandering around aimlessly had probably worked out for him in the past, so why presumably change now. Taking off Taho turned down this alleyway and that one confusedly. He went this way and that way and this way again quickly forgetting which way he had started and from where he had come. Not that it really bothered him; all he cared about at the moment was getting some food. In his mind his current location and his inability to eat were divorced so completely that they had nothing to do with one another.