Wow, this is going pretty well so far. Sorry for making everyone wait, but so far, everyone is accepted. Now I just need to hunt down a few more humans... Oh, and I need to get my characters up. Kind of debating whether I should go with the ones I had or introduce a new one. I'll try to get them up soon so everyone can start, though. [quote=RumikoOhara] I can't wait to see if Naneko finds a Love or becomes the Village's Newest MonsterI'd love her to stay the sweet carefree, sleepy girl that she is but I've set a time table and when the sands run out she'll become a maneater that stalks the mountains in her Saber form [/quote] Oh dear, we'd better find some humans. (Although this is oddly convenient for story advancement.) *Walks off with a lot of rope*