Hai Yami~ [b]Name:[/b] Rio Valori [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Species:[/b] Neko [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/37Oh8LO.jpg]"I do not see what the purpose of this request is, but I will oblige: 'Meow.'"[/url] [b]Romantic Preference:[/b] Demisexual. What it actually ends up turning into is going to be explored within the RP. [b]Personality:[/b] A rather peculiar fellow, to be completely frank. She seems to be the stoic, detached sort of person, what with the constant deadpan expression and the empty-eyed gaze. This is not a false assumption, but it isn't a true assumption either. Rio may have that perpetually impassive look plastered on her face, and she may constantly speak in this droll, downright clinical tone of voice, but she's not as emotionless as she seems. She's actually a kind and gentle person, if a bit [i]too[/i] honest. She tries her hardest to emphasize with others and understand them, but usually 'fails' due to her own odd mindset. Incidentally, this makes her a great listener, but horrible when it actually comes to reassuring her friends. Additionally, her straightforward personality often results in unintentional snarkiness, which can make her come off as cold at times. She has an odd sense of humor, usually revolving around puns and other forms of wordplay, and has a tendency of taking metaphors literally. She's also prone to overreacting in her own strange, reserved manner. She often thinks out-loud and actually talks quite a lot more than one would expect from someone of her demeanor. Though this is more from trying to get her point across rather than any true motormouth tendencies. In regards to her speech patterns, Rio rarely uses contractions and almost always refers to people by their full name. [b]Bio:[/b] Rio lives on her own and rarely has contact with her mother and father, who are often gone on some kind of trip or another. Apparently she's some sort of self-styled scientist who records her 'findings' on her 'not diary' and has a penchant for [i]SCIENCE![/i]. According to Rio herself, her life overall could be described as 'effectively within the average norm.' [b]Job:[/b] Student, "Scientist" [b]Family/Friends/Relationships:[/b] Ruca and Kyouko Valori (Dad & Mom) [b]Other:[/b] ...I'll throw up a human CS eventually.