[Center][img]http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i452/Hillanx/Redhoodlogo_zps988d8b1e.png[/img][/center] Jason nodded in response to Iron Fist, when he called his name. "It's Red Hood to you, pal." Jason said, his voice harsh, as he walked towards Danny, and then his face cracked up into a soft smile. "Kidding. Nice to meet you." Jason said, holding out his hand for a handshake. "So, you know mine, what's yours?" Of course, Bruce had briefed him extensively on the team. He was really just checking if Iron Fist would be willing to tell Jason his name. He scoffed after introductions, and then followed the senior hero. They came across Taskmaster. The guy seemed like a complete jackass. For someone wearing a skull-motif on his face he wasn't very intimidating. Jason followed Iron Fist into the simulation room. "You're still doing the Harley Quinn thing? Damn. She's twice as scary when real." Jason said, half-joking, as he greeted everyone. He saw Roy and Rose, and then smiled. He walked over to Roy, after Rose had left for the transporters. "Take care, Ravager. See you back here Monday. At latest." Jason said, half-teasing. He smiled as he looked at Roy, and shook his hand. "How're we doing?" Jason asked him, as he turned back towards the others. "I haven't been in the tower since it was being built. You mind showing me around?" Jason asked Roy. Scoffing as he nodded to his bag with his belongings in.