Galina's eyebrow remained arched with the strangest mix of amusement and curiosity as she regarded this well-spoken, well-dressed man who called himself Goeman. No, it was not the fact that his English truly was, in fact, near impeccable. Galina had already surmised as much, after all. But his frank, quick admission concerning their near-miss of a meeting this morning she actually found... Refreshing. Surprising and refreshing, and the young woman smiled. "Apology accepted of course, Goeman," Galina smiled smoothly, her dark eyes narrowing thoughtfully though that small tilt of a grin remained exactly where it was. "One can never be too careful, doing what we do. Though I admit, your charismatic manner and pleasing way of speech must have made any number of people wish to toss all caution to the winds. I do believe, you are a truly charming, disarming man." If Galina was aware of the irony of her words, coming as they did from a woman with a voice to seduce birds from the branches of trees, she gave absolutely no indication that this was so. As a matter of course, she bowed her head in acknowledgement, as low as the young man had when he apologized. "And you are right of course. Questions Goeman - so [i]many[/i] questions, I can barely decide where to begin - well, perhaps with the most obvious then? Obviously we are not Americans. But then again, I am [i]also[/i] not Japanese and, unless I am [i]very[/i] mistaken, you are certainly not embracing the Holy Church nor swearing allegiance to the Tsar, nor certainly to Mother Russia. Oh! Thank you... " Galina glanced up to the waiter who placed a small plate of salad before her, fresh greens and artichoke hearts, whole cherry tomatoes and thin slices of red onion with a red wine vinaigrette, moving to Klara then, the only other lady at their table, and then to Goemon. "As I was saying," she continued, laying her napkin neatly in her skirted lap. "[i]Questions.[/i] You speak of my helping you, and yet I remain quite perplexed. Why in the world would I have a thing to do with helping you, Goemon?" "Oh, and I do pray you appreciate straightforward speech between us. I do not know I am capable of any less with a peer. So yes, I am well aware you say I have been sent here for you - and yet even so, you should know I am allowed a good deal of autonomy. Russia does not raise up broods of stupid, naive children after all." "What possible overlap between the interests of Japan and Russia could there truly be? And if you tell me you are some kind of 'double agent' I will simply leave you here and now, and bid you [i]adieu[/i]. Should you press the issue, I will bid you [i]adieu[/i] head first over the deck railing of the [i]Empress[/i] - and that would be [i]most[/i] unfortunate. I do hope such unpleasantness will be utterly unnecessary." Gaina smiled sweetly, even hopefully perhaps, as she took up her salad fork and speared a few greens and a ripe little tomato. "So... [i]'Unconventional,'[/i] was it... ?"