We'll finish this later. Only discovered the OoC late yesterday. You should mention it in the IntCk. Faction Name: Allegiance: Location: General Information: (alternative to summing up the foundation/general character of the faction in character biographies) Character Sheets: [img=http://student.umb.no/~henrgj/diverse/Eilwen] [b]Name:[/b] Eilwen Ferch Gruffydd ap Llywelyn ap Gruffudd ap Rhys ap Ellis ap Dilwyn ap Taliesin (these days, she skips all but Eilwen ferch Gruffydd, or sometimes just Eilwen Gruffydd. However, she might also use other last names instead of her primary when being subtle) [b]Generation:[/b] 8th [b]Clan:[/b] Malkavian [b]Age (physical):[/b] 25 [b]Age (actual): [/b]684 [b]Appearance: [/b]Eilwen is a woman that doesn’t stand out in a crowd. She isn’t stunningly beautiful or ugly, has no disfiguring scars, birthmarks or anything like that. She has longish, pale hair, pale skin and light gray eyes. Her face is fairly narrow, but not enough to stick out. When it comes to clothing, she likes to wear clothes that favor mobility while not being revealing. It is not at all unusual to see her wearing a hooded cloak or robe of some sort over otherwise average clothes. When it comes to colors, she is very fond of darker hues, and her clothes reflect this. [b]Disciplines:[/b] Dementation (5), Obfuscate (3), Celerity (1), Auspex (3), Animalism (1), Fortitude (2) [b]Biography:[/b] Eilwen was born in the year of 1330 somewhere in Wales, but she no longer quite remembers where. Not that it matters. She has no plans to go back there, and even if she could find it, it would not be home. Born the day after Frederick III of Germany died, her earliest memories were of a fairly small Welsh village. Descended from the bloodline of the last Welsh claimants to the title of Prince of Wales, her national patriotism and and dislike of the English was quite marked from an early age. In fact, her grandfather had even tried to claim the title, ensuring that he got imprisoned and she never met him. Had it but been for a certain event in her early twenties, she might even have tried to find a way to make a claim on said title herself. That event, of course, was her Embrace. It happened late upon a dark and stormful night. She had left home for some reason she can no longer remember. One moment, she was wandering alone, the next she felt something biting into her neck, moments before she fell unconscious. When she next woke, there were strange whispers in her head, telling her to do things. And there was the thirst. Following her becoming one of the Kindred, Eilwen left her family behind, never to see them again. The first several years, she spent alone with her Sire, learning the ropes of being a Kindred, as well as learning several disciplines. Granted, considering that her Sire was utterly insane, some of that instruction was quite… odd. As the years went by, Eilwen grew steadily less sane and less connected with the mortal world. It was not that her beast took charge more, but rather that she grew disconnected from the humanity she had left behind. As a Vampire, she was meticulously in control. She did have a few unfortunate habits, like being possessed of the habit to, on a steadily rotating basis, hunt and kill people possessing certain physical traits. To Kine investigators, when such started appearing, there was no discernible pattern to her kills, for they could not see the full scale of a system in which a full cycle takes a century to pass. While most malkavians lost Dementation during the event now known as the Great Prank, Eilwen did not. It is impossible to say why, for she too had to answer the call sent out through the Cobweb, but the fact remains that she did not switch it out for Dominate. This put her a bit at odds with many other Kindred, but since her clan never was much for mingling frequently with each other, that did not matter much. And since virtually all malkavians had lost Dementation, her continuing access to it ensured that many took all the wrong precautions when trying to deal with her. While many kindred left for the Americas shortly after their discovery, most to get out from underneath the heels of the European Elders, Eilwen saw no reason to leave. Her sire was one of them, and she was slowly heading towards the same point herself, even if she was two generations or so higher than most the current elders. It was only in the early 20th century that she departed the continent of Europe on a ship headed for the Americas. Unfortunately, she found herself forced to walk several hundred kilometers when the ship she was on sank. As one of the Kindred, she did not need to breathe, but the immense pressure at the bottom of the ocean made the going slow. If someone asks whether she had anything to do with the sinking, she will vehemently deny it. Eventually she made landfall, barely managing to find someone to feed upon in time to avoid entering torpor. Following that, she made a vow that she would not go on another journey ship. Especially not another journey anywhere close to the polar Icecap. For several years, she stayed near smaller villages and towns, preying upon the people there, rather than heading towards the bigger settlements. However, when the first World War ended, she chose to move to the city of Boston, where she set up shop. But seeing as the city was ruled by a Malkavian at the time, she could not exactly stay isolated. She wasn’t overly fond of authoritative persons or institutions, but she would pay lip service to them, if only to avoid being persecuted or otherwise be bothered. While she does not openly consider herself part of the Camarilla or the Anarch movement, Eilwen has a noted dislike of the Sabbat. The exact reason for this isn’t quite clear, but that doesn’t really matter much. In recent years, pretty much ever since boarding the ship to the Americas, she has had very little or no contact with her Sire. The reason for this is unclear. [b]Personality: [/b] Eilwen is not all that bad to be around. Except when she’s hungry, of course. Or rather, when she’s thirsty. As an elder, she can be a force to be reckoned with, but she isn’t one for involving herself overmuch. In anything overt. As old as she is, she can at times come across as a bit jaded and disconnected. Kine do not matter to her beyond her next meal. She has connections among them used for gathering information, but her network is (naturally) not as expansive as that of the Nosferatu. People who get on her bad side tend to find themselves driven mad. Mostly just for a short time, but on occasion it can be permanently. Eilwen lacks the raw power of the elders of lower generation than her, but she knows how to use what she has to its full potential.