Jack Lockwood loved festivals like the one currently happening in the City of Nele. He really did and not just because, as something of a professional thief, a large mass of people loaded down with money roaming the streets, distracted by the bright lights and colorful performances and ceremonies, were easy prey and their abandoned and unguarded homes even moreso. Jack hadn't had much cause to celebrate throughout his life and so he naturally took advantage of any chance to do so, the thievery was just a very nice bonus added to it all. With the contents of a few foreign purses already in his posession, it was time for him relax and enjoy the place until the ceremonies started up. As a newcomer to the city, one of the many foreign visitors who arrived for the festivities or simply an everyday passerby, Jack didn't stand out much and so he felt it was safe to approach who he believed was a currently unoccupied local to sate his curiosity. "Excuse me, sir? What's the festival about? I was just passing by when I heard there's a big celebration coming and got curious". It was all true, he hadn't known about the festivities till he'd arrived in town and had no idea what they were about besides a quick and easy buck for him.