Alright, here's the deal; I'm looking for some partners that are able to give me; 1 - Some world and character building to go along with a deep or dynamic plot. 2 - Post coherent post of more than two paragraphs. 3 - Enjoy talking OOC. 4- Love to brainstorm! That's all I ask, in exchange I will do the same and do my best to make something awesome with you of the following options you can choose from: [u]Settings:[/u] Oriental - Any time real or made up. Ancient Rome Mongolian Empire Medieval Europe Renaissance Victorian Era 1920s WWI WWII 1950s Modern Futuristic Virtual Reality [u]Genre:[/u] Romance - FxF, FxM or MxM Action Adventure Drama Horror (Dark, Low or High) Fantasy Scifi Suspense Supernatural Comedy [u]Fandoms[/u] Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age 2 Fable 1, 2, or 3 Harry Potter Inuyasha If you have any other suggestions, still give me a shot, I may just have forgotten about it or didn't know about it yet!