The hornet flew for a full minutes before she made her way towards the Empress' fortress. She circled over the party as an incoming warning before she landed lightly a meter before the Empress. She bowed her head respectfully before she spoke, "Lady Empress. I hope this day grants you a swift victory. Your 8-Tailed soldier is taking a small break to gather her mind. Is there anything you wish to direct her towards?" Odiah asked before looking towards the woman. She was speaking through via her mandibles, a strange sight for those unused to it. Her antennae twitched before they pulled back, showing that the hornet meant no harm. She was as loyal to the Empress as Remi was, only Remi and her own mother-the Queen of Hornets-were held in higher esteem for the large summon. --- Remi sat beneath the tree, eyes closed and head against the bark of the tree behind her. She was elsewhere, her mind deep within itself as she communicated with Gyuuki. [b] How are you feeling, Young One? [/b] The gargantuan beast laid in the mindscape of the chaotic young woman. The mindscape was little more than a wide open, grassy field with a constant cloudy sky. A few trees were scattered along a lake with a trickling cerulean stream. Currently, the bull/octopus beast laid on his belly, his head laid on his massive hands and across from Remi. Remi laid on her back as she stared up into the sky, inadvertently looking at Gyuuki due to how he was looking at her. [i] I don't know. My feels like it will explode. It stinks, fire and flesh. But...I don't think I care about it. I...It is people...a lot dying.[/i] She went silent in frustration. Gyuuki was quiet for a few seconds, [b] A slaughter?[/b] [i]Yes. That. Slaughter. And...I feel like when Mamma makes Meat Buns.[/i] [b] It brings you joy, Young One? Hmm...that is strange. Killing has never brought you this before. Me on the other hand...It is possible that I may be influencing you. It took long enough.[/b] The bull snorted, the warm air managed to pull a small giggle as it hit her in the face. [b] This is good and bad. Good, for it means you are growing. You've allowed me in your mind, and you are finally accepting a part of me as you. It is bad though, since it is my aggressive bloodlust that you've taken on. Your empress will want to see this, I am sure.[/B] [i] Empress Shoko is too busy. Won't bother her with this. [/i] The girl replied as she ran her hand over his massive muzzle. [b] She is more benevolent, you know this. She will care to know this. Deception is not in your character.[/b] [i] Not deception. Just, not bothering her with small things.[/i] [b] Ha! You are her jinchuriki. One of the few we know of. Nothing is [i]small[/i] when it comes to your emotions. Especially since you harbor so few.[/b] His tone was matter of fact, and sort of harsh. [i] I will speak with Mamma Neferti. If she...says it is important, will tell Lady Shoko.[/i] The girl bit her lip and took a deep breath before she ran her fingers through her hair. [b] Fair enough. Go, Odiah will return soon. Your turmoil will reside in the tide of battle.[/b] Remi blinked up at the beast in confusion. [b] Right. Your mind will calm itself. Just keep fighting.[/b] [i] Ok.[/i]