Arrows flew into the group of Orcs, Kiena's arrow hit its mark, The orc(D) howled and snapped the arrow as it grabbed it Axe ready to attack. Astiroth's arrow hit its mark as well, but the arrow was less effective as the arrow just snapped on the beast's skull leaving a gash across its head. As the Orcs started to stir and grab their weapons the second wave of attacks came. Riki and Arthur charged in with Arthur leading the charge. As he sprinted into the fray he hit the first orc in the back of the head with his shield to disorient and stun the orc(R). After that blow Arthur gripped his spear and arced it around the campfire in order to stagger the rest of the orcs into the attacks of his Squad. Decado's dagger flew past Arthur and sliced the Injured Orc's(D) face enraging the beast more. Riki's aim was true, but it didn't account for Arthur's Shield Bash and her Rapier buried itself into the Orc's(R) Shoulder. Still dazed the orc(R) tried to flail its weapon backward to hit its attacker. The wolf quickly got up and made its way after Astiroth thirsty for revenge. After his sweep Arthur sized up his opponents and gave the battle orders. "Decado Injured to my right(D), Kiena on my left(K), keep on your feet, Astiroth wolf, Rafa help the girls!" he shouted out before starting his fight with his orc(A). The Orc was able to recover from Arthur's stagger easily enough and came back swinging, but not before Arthur was ready and deflected the axe with his shield. But the orc(A) in its rage kept a relenting assault keeping Arthur on the defensive waiting for an opening to turn the tides on the Orc(A).