[b] Briefing Room [/b] The hero that Emmerson was ranting too was one of Pariah's proteges and an observer of the exercise, watching the mission intently on a tablet computer. He blinked and stared at the man and his eyes widened in bewilderment. The young man, who was dressed in a black skin-tight bodysuit coughed and said, "Uh sir, all of the training group went through those doors there and they're doing a mission right now. Simulated hostage situation with armed terrorists and supervillians. Objective is rescue of the hostages in a metro bus, while dealing with all threats non-lethally, inflicting minimal property damage, and minimal casualties on the team. They're almost there but the boss has been putting them through their paces, and it could go either way at this point. They could probably use you." He exchanged a look with another similarly clothed hero who shrugged, he looked back at Emerson, "Look sir, you really should have already been gone. You probably won't be able to get in the League if you can't even join the exercise. It's through those doors there, but we can't really help you more than we already have without the boss getting pretty pissed. If you can't find your own way in then well..." The solid metal doors led to the training exercise which Emerson would need to perform spectacularly in if he wished to join the League at this point. Doubtless the living jet engine could find a way in.