Otrygg leaned heavily upon the table as he rose to speak... [i]"There is a reason the Elves and Dwarves treat with us now, and as you all know, it is not to offer mere condolences for a fallen king, and to impart blessings on a new one. No, no! The resolve of the Nords is as stone, hard and unyielding. Tell me, pray, what will they think of our resolve if we support both? Indeed it is the safe choice, for now, but the time will come when we must choose. "And as for these black sails, these men without honour, these... pirates? Much and more do we not know of them. I advise we set the task to the Spy-Master to learn their origins - that they raid when the Shivering is warm suggest to me of them being outlanders. In the Orc Realm of Vorduun, along the west coast is the port of Brazehome, infamous for harbouring pirates and all sorts of villainy. Dispatch agents there, and answers we may find. At the very least, should the good Marshal sink the ships before origins can be found, we will have a plan in place to find answers to vexing questions." [/i]