The drive towards the bunker was not an overtly pleasant one. Deserts made poor roads and even poorer company. Bjorn was too busy driving and that left Thora to try and amuse herself. She retreated back to what she always retreated to: music and thoughts of escapism. She missed her books and she missed her games and she missed the competitive edge that came with them. The missions she got sent on were fine until it got to the waiting part. She could be waiting to arrive, or waiting for the bad guys to arrive, or waiting for the bosses on the other end of a phone to confirm something or she could just be waiting for the big brother bear.The wait was always the killer. She was sure that her brother was the opposite. The wait gave him time, and when he had time, he had the world in his hand. He was super smart and everything, so he just spent his time evaluating the situation or preparing himself for the next confrontation or something else boring. He thought everything through, where as Thora liked So while Bjorn drove, Thora just listened to music and strummed along on an invisible guitar. Plucking lazily and incorrectly at invisible chords, feeling the energizing effect of playing 'Crazy Train' so loud that her brother might hear it. She felt the urge to blow something up grow as the music grew louder and louder. The energizing effect was even more potent on her, as she charged up Motem energy through the simple act of playing the air guitar. ...It was pretty awesome, really. She'd heard someone jokingly call it 'metal' at the academy, and she'd just laughed. Seeing the bunker on the horizon got Thora excited as she started humming lyrics now, as well as the odd strum here or there. It was odd to see her get excited like this, normally she stuck with the bare minimum effort required. Now, she seemed to be showing off. Something was catching her attention and getting her blood boiling. Bjorn didn't known, but Thora had sneeked a peek in the files. She knew that a Chrono was involved, and the thought of impressing one of those guys was enough to get her fist and her blood pumping. The fifteen minute drive had gotten her through a number of songs. Now she was onto a different song. Bjorn heard her humming the words now, as her hands seem occupied by something other than the air strumming of the car. She seemed to be drawing some [i]actual[/i] alchemical symbols.The sort they taught at basic for focusing the raw power into a spell. Bjorn was out of the car first, but Thora was the first to the door. It was an impressive enough entrance. Secure enough to probably out last a few blasts of C4, at the very least. It would take a bit of time to get it open, so Bjorn would have to... "You can't stop the metal!" Thora suddenly leapt the distance between the Jeep and the door, before slamming her fist against the steel door. For a second, nothing seemed to happen except the rather painful sounding 'clang' of her fist connecting with the door. Then, the door seemed to explode, an explosion of electrical force suddening a bolt of lightning through the door and launching it through the air, into the wall at the opposite side of the entrance. Thora made an exaggerated movement of stepping through the empty doorway, before looking at Bjorn. She took her headphones out of her ears, smiling. "Oh C'mon. You would have taken ages to think of a way to bust it open." Bjorn rolls his eyes at the red-haired woman, trying not to make his smile too obvious. "C'mon, lets go find a target." Bjorn led the way through the bunker, moving with at least some sort of sense of direction. In truth, he had no predetermined path, and was following instinct. If he weren't expecting a fight, he'd try to Jerry-rig a sort of echo-location idea to try and find the nearest people. Instead, winging it would have to do. Never knew when you need to be ready to tap into the Asylum powers. As they made their way through the Bunker, Bjorn felt a chill running down his spine that had him on alert. Why had no one reacted to the explosive entrance? Why was there not a single guard? It seemed like they were in a ghost town of sorts, and that was worrying, to say the least. The barren state of the bunker was eventually broken, when a small blonde haired boy walked past the two with a simple 'hello.' Thora and Bjorn stopped, half expecting a fight to break out and half hoping to do the job quietly. The sister looked at the brother as if asking 'is he a target' and Bjorn, for all his intellect, drew up a blank. He honestly couldn't recall any mention of such a small in stature target, especially one who had zero killing intent. The best bet, it seems, was to try and talk it out. Bjorn, for one, wasn't in a hurry to follow everything that 'the lizard' said. He didn't really trust the man. "Hello, My name is Bjorn and this is Thora. We are looking for some Asylums, can you point us to a pair of individuals called..." he paused, trying to recall the names of the targets. Which ones had been assassinated so far? He doubted they were the only successful pair. "...Alice and Barnabus?" Bjorn was smiling at the man, although Thora's face was one of grumpy annoyance. The hunt was being disrupted by a kid, and her impaitence was clear in her body language. The hybrid hoped that his Silencer sister wouldn't freak this guy out. "Alice, and, Barnanus!" He repeated the words again, louder this time, because the boy didn't seem to react. Was he ignoring them? Did he not understand? Hopefully his louder words wouldn't be overheard by someone who actually knew the Bunker's inhabitants.