We were ordinary teens. Completely un-related to each other. We might have seen each other in the hallways or in class but that is honestly it, And because that is true, we never saw it coming. It was an ordinary day at school. Somehow we got in trouble. Ended up in detention. Most of us didn't even do anything. But, we got detention anyway. After-school we entered the library as strangers or as acquaintances. We sat down and then detention started. But, then something weird happened. All the doors in the library suddenly slammed shut. Locking automatically. The teens had no way out. For one night they are trapped there. They were forced to give away their phones. In this situation though, what would you do? I guess we're about to find out. SPOTS: 1. Alice White 2. Alli Kennen 3. Marco Ludens 4. 5. 6. CS TEMPLATE: Appearance: Real Name: Age: 15-18 Personality: Clique: Hobbies: Crush: Optional Other: Optional [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/aa/a0/cb/aaa0cb6fbc6362a400124250f48e52ac.jpg[/img] Name: Alice White Age: 17 Personality: Quiet, Observitive, Kind, Smart and Brave Clique: Computer Geek/Rebel Hobbies: Reading, Hacking, Drawing, Painting and Comic Books, Crush: Open Other: Nope!