[I]What in the name of sweet baby Jesus just happened here! Trust the yanks to find a way to make a simple bank robbery into some macabre, semi-mystical, murder-thon![/i] Volt followed Olympia out, his mind racing with all that he had just seen and heard. Bouncer's oddly sounding rant had chilled him to his core, the words full of grim portent, and the laser beams they had fired had been completely unexpected. If it hadn't been for Olympia there was a very real possibility that Volt would just now be nothing but a charred skeleton, much like the money man they had found upstairs. And what the hell was Legion?!? It was all a little much for the Lightning-Slinger to process at the moment, all he wanted was a nice cool beer then to lie down until the world stopped hurting. Which, judging by his throbbing nose and the dull ache in his leg wouldn’t be for a while, accelerated healing or no. “Silvertongue, see what you can dig up about 'Legion,'” Szymon grumbled some complaints, but Tommy knew he would get right on it. The hacker liked nothing more than solving grand mysteries, the more difficult the better. It was the only real challenge he could find any more, and Volt suspected that the abundance of crimes and problems to solve was why Szymon had stuck with him for so long, rather than any real desire to do good. A hand came down on his shoulder, an admittedly light touch but after the kicking that Shank had given him he nearly crumpled to the floor. It was Sonja, congratulating him on the fight. He managed a tired smile, in return, before she continued on. [b]"How about you and I grab dinner and a drink tonight?"[/b] Tommy was taken aback, his mouth opening as he struggled for a reply. Was she asking him on a [i]date?[/i] He'd been in America for less than a week and he was already being asked out! Maybe the tales about American girls going weak at the knee's for Scots accents was true. His thoughts momentarily turned to Clara, and what she might think of this situation, that was until he realised he still hadn't answered Sonja and was just standing there like some bam. [I]Get it together Tommy-boy, it's just dinner, not like she's proposed. Probably doesn't mean anything by it either, just a way of getting to know the guy that she's survived the day's craziness with.[/i] “Uhaye, ah mean yeah, that sounds tickety-boo,” he responded with a lopsided grin. “As long as the League doesn't have any more plans for us tonight. Ah mean, theres still time for them to try and kill me some more.”