Jeremy was lost in a sea of confusion. He could hear vain imaginings and could see odd visions, but he could not understand anything. The world around him seemed to swirl in and out of control, or rather, it was not a world at all. It seemed to be a running sea of consciousness itself, like a half-remembered dream. A thought floated past, it was the remnant of a life, his life? A beast loomed into the forefront of his mind and it slowly began to dawn on him. He had been fighting a wizard, or rather, he had been fighting the beast. Were the beast and wizard connected? Although he was beginning to piece things together, he still had so many questions. What had happened? Another vision floated past his face, it was the answer to his question. He remembered being carried by a man-like [i]thing[/i]. It had dropped him in front of a beast and given him little opportunity to act. His friends, or enemies - he couldn't be sure, were fighting it. It an attempt to stop it from killing a man he cared very much about, for some reason, he had thrown himself between the beast and the man. Unfortunately, the beast's axe had torn through him without slowing, wounding the man as easily as it would have before. But then a faint glimmer of a Rune flew past him and he realised what had happened next. His body and exploded with significant force, killing everyone including the beast. He felt pangs of guilt fill his heart and suddenly realised what a terrible disaster he had caused. If only there was a way to make it up to them. The half-remembered dream flittered back into his mind. He was in chains, tied to the floor. His dream faded, but it was no less clear in his mind, for it was his reality. Jeremy lay there, dazed and confused. He could not remember anything happening like that before in his life. Surely, he must be dead, surely he could not have survived an explosion like that. There was no way a human being could survive something so terrible; and then there was the axe that had torn him in half like aged steak, no person could survive that. He sat up and began to think how this could have happened, and then he realised that there had been another, a girl. She was pretty, but not such as those that lived in the village. She had said something about helping them escape, about being able to fix everything. Would she be back, or had he killed her in the explosion? Thoughts raced across his mind and he could only take Solace in one thing: Grimrock. [i]If you're out there[/i] he thought [i]I really need your help.[/i]