[b] Briefing Room [/b] The black-garbed hero blinked and said, "Well of course sir. If they didn't know a hostage situation in a simulated urban environment that's in our very building wasn't a simulation, besides the fact that we told them, then they really don't belong anywhere near organized superheroism not even in Detroit." The young man arched his eyebrow at Emphatic and was rapidly beginning to mark him off as senile, "We wouldn't accept anyone who can't control their abilities either. Now the boss is going to notice you sooner or later, so you should really get in there before that happens." More out of a desire to be separated from Emerson then be friendly he pressed a button on his tablet which opened to the training ground inside which was in quite a mess after the explosions and was quite noisy with the sound of bullets and energy attacks being exchanged back and forth, "I'm helping you this one time but please hurry before the boss checks up on us." [b] The Bank [/b] Syzmon's initial search for Legion would turn up a multitude of references to biblical mythology or popular culture but there were very few results so far for anything resembling what the heroes just stumbled upon. More digging was needed but the only thing Syzmon found was one similar incident a few months ago when a restaurant in Chicago under the control of the Outfit was attacked, many of the mobsters were killed, and the word Legion had burn burned into a wall inside the main dining room. The perpetrators have not been found and it prefaced a whole string of violent assaults on singular mafia footsoldiers or small groups of them in dark alleys and vacant lots, none as dramatic as the initial attack or this more recent incident. Olympia came back in the building and heard Sonja talking to Volt about dinner. Olympia stood behind Volt, caught Sonja's eye and slightly winked, before she spoke up, "There probably isn't much more to do tonight so you guys should be fine. We just need to give our reports back at the Hall and when Zenith comes back he and the rest of the Founding Council will officially induct you and all the other heroes who made the cut. Then a brief tour of the facilities, some other small stuff, and you'll be left to your own devices for the rest of the day. There's a bunch of nice places around here. Zenith's taken me to some." Olympia said the last with a slight smirk to her voice and sauntered off to the direction of the VTOL. [b] Rainmaker's Team [/b] Locust shuddered as the gauntlet's hit him in the back and he shrieked enough to cause some ear damage. His exo-skeleton held but there were some cracks in the chitin. He rolled off of Gabriel and his multiple eyes locked on Blast Girl. He slashed several of his claws at her, attempting to take the young heroine's head off of her shoulders or disembowel her. [b] Pariah's Victims [/b] Ember saw the crows coming and she sent a bout of flame at them with her other hand, causing them to detonate prematurely. She saw that her flame wasn't piercing the shield but she simply raised both hands at the shield. She increased the size and intensity of the sphere of flame around Charlotte's shield. It was getting hotter and hotter by the second. The fire might not break through, but the heat might not be blocked by Charlotte's shield and she might would to sweat in the sphere. A lot, perhaps enough to pass out. At the very least she could no longer see Ember as the flames engulfed her shield.