Definitely interested For those who know about the Meyer-Briggs personality test, I'm actually an ISTJ (introverted sensing thinking judging) personality test. For those who don't know this test, it's a series of questions that judge your personality based on the answers to hypothetical, but realistic situations that people encounter in their normal daily lives. To sum up, as an ISTJ I'm somewhat quiet and reserved around others, and I prefer to use rational thinking and logic to analyze the world and make decisions, and prefer to structure things and have a somewhat scheduled/predictable life with few surprises that I can control. For a power, I think the ability to manipulate some form of matter or force with best fit my personality, as it's an ability that allows my character to control things as I would wish too. I'm not sure what type of matter yet, but I think doing something like manipulation of an "element" or something like that would best fit my character.