Adrian's eyes widened, a look of surprise appeared on Adrian's face when she told him who had done this to her. [i][b]"He[/b] did this to her? Omnitrace?! Of all people I didn't think he was capable of this. But why? Why would he do all this? Why would he come here? Just to beat up Lydia? No. Lydia said he seemed surprised to see her. If he wasn't expecting Lydia, that means he was expecting someone else, and since he waited in this house... Benjamin.[/i] Lydia began walking toward the kitchen and Adrian ran after her. "Lydia, stop and listen," he said as he leaned against the counter. "This is about more than revenge. What if he does this to you again? Or Dillon? What if no one is here to stop him? Or worse. What if..." Adrian stopped to look at the bruises lined across her neck. He noticed the pattern and recognized it as the bottom of a shoe. His stomach flipped at the thought and an overwhelming anger began to form within him just at the thought of it and his voice turned into a whisper. "What if he does it to Alexis? I'd never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her, knowing that a sicko is out there, and I could've ran my sword through him to prevent it. Besides, aren't you even the slightest bit curious [i]why[/i] he was here? After all, you said it yourself, he was surprised to see you. So if he wasn't expecting you, then he was laying in wait for the person he knew would be here. The owner of this extremely expensive mansion. Benjamin."