Might be a bit sloppy but any mistakes will be fixed over the course of the next few days. [center][URL=http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/Gankona13/media/Kazuaki600728649_zps0cc6cfcd.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh579/Gankona13/Kazuaki600728649_zps0cc6cfcd.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name:[/b] Lucy Delaney [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] Lucy is a looker, that's for sure. A woman of full Irish decent, she is well known for her long red hair that almost seems to red to be true, and the children at her work are often seen tying it into braids during down time. Her face is round and full, making her look almost like a teenager, and her skin is pale and easily burnt. Green eyes, narrow and normally outlined with makeup, are set on either side of an attractive nose, and her lips are large and lush. Despite her age, Lucy hasn't really grown in the bust department or height, and is rather scrawny and weak all around, resembling the body of a younger girl. She's only about five-foot-four and weighs a bit over one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Because of her thin appearance, Lucy is constantly trying to appear her age, and used plenty of makeup and outfits to reach her goal. In terms of fashion, Lucy goes all out. While out of the town she tries her best to appear grown-up, often wearing official looking dresses and heels even when she's just grocery shopping. However, during school, she dresses much more comfortably. Jeans, sweats, sweaters, anything that can stand up to twenty-three first-graders is dawned during this time. Her hair is often up in some way (when not getting plucked out by children), as it does get rather troublesome to handle. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucy is a in love with the idea of love. Having something to cherish and hold, to care for and to grow up with. She is so infatuated with the idea that she doesn't realize that most of her dates are either scumbags or assholes (or both). Cheaters have broken her heart, beaten her, and continued to remind her that love is just a stupid fantasy of her's. An idea that can never be. So, Lucy decided that she would live in the past, linger on the moments that were good and warm, but instead of finding the sweet moments all she is left with is the bad ones. Images of being broken and beaten and left behind are played over and over within her head each and every day, and because of this she is rather somber and quiet. She's lost trust in people and herself, and has trouble making friends because of this. Despite her cynical nature, Lucy is surprisingly empathetic and finds joy in being able to help out someone else with problems. She can relate (or at least pretend to relate) to other people's woes and tries her best to solve them with simple, pain free measures. Lucy is extremely motherly to anyone who needs comfort and tries her best to keep their spirits up whenever she can. This trait was gained by working with children, who are quick to cry but easily can be made better with small means. Being a teacher also means that Lucy is rather smart. What she lacks in body she makes up for with mind, and it shines through especially well in Literature and English. Lucy, while she is a rather sad being, isn't an enemy of humor. In fact, she loves cracking small jokes and puns here and there to keep the atmosphere light. She especially enjoys historical or literature-related puns. Other then humor, Lucy finds enjoyment in calm, quiet moments, and loves to relax while reading rather wordy books or watching some TV. She is not easily annoyed by people teasing her, and can actually retort their teasings by pretending to flirt with whoever decided to bother her and then leaving them with perhaps a minor erection or an anxious mind. She is also surprisingly stubborn, and if one were challenge or actually bother her Lucy will not back down, even if the odds are against her. Absolutely detests all kinds of bugs and has a massive fear of spiders. When drunk (and she is almost always drunk when not working) she is loud and has very obvious mood swings, going from sweet to absolutely devious in just one second. Her flirtatious nature shows in an intoxicated state, and Lucy isn't afraid to shed a few layers during this time. Surprisingly, she is much more secretive when drunk and barely reveals anything about herself. The day after Lucy normally remembers nothing of what she did, though always has a feeling of dread. [b]Back story: [/b] "Let's date!" Tenth grade, sixteen year old Lucy Delaney stands in front of a tall, attractive junior, face flushed a deep red as this boy confesses his heart to her in only two words. She awe-stricken, but feels the same way. They date, it's glorious, fun, she actually believed in this boy's love for her and felt truly happy with him. Six months later, Lucy is now a junior, and this boy is a senior. She is still very in love. She finds him with another girl, another senior, and they are sharing a passionate kiss. A kiss that both were familiar with. Lucy had been used to help this boy get back at his old love, a toy to be played around with to cause jealousy. She broke it off instantly, and Lucy cried. "Happy birthday, Lucy!" A few months later, on Lucy's seventeenth birthday, her mother and father enter their daughter's neat room with a small bundle of fur in their hands. A black head pops up, small and cute, and tiny ears flick as a pink nose sniffs at the air. It's a cat, a cute black kitten, and Lucy instantly became attached to it, caring for it like she would a child. The family decided on the name Dee, and eventually Lucy began to get over the whole dating phase. That was, until another boy approached her. He was a sophomore, cute and tidy, and he confessed his love for her after school one day. She couldn't say no. Skip forward three months, and Lucy discovered that he was only using her as an object, something to shove in people's faces to prove that he was cool enough to get a girlfriend. She broke it off with him on their four month anniversary, and she cried. Skip forward to the summer before Lucy's senior year. Mrs. Delaney hasn't been home for a few months, not after she collapsed in the kitchen from abdominal pain. Lucy is not allowed to know the details, she "wasn't ready to know", as her father said. Instead, she was told to stay home alone and hang out with Dee, to not worry, to not fear. Lucy found comfort in sleeping around, and despite knowing that it will ruin her status in school she just didn't care. She dated unknown guys and experienced more and more heartbreak, more and more pillow talk, and less answers. Until, on June twenty-eight, at eleven-o-three in the morning, on the second floor of the Meadow City Hospital, Mrs. Delancy passed on. She had been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer only a month before and they had been too late to catch it. Lucy's father explained everything, and she cried. Skip forward two years, Lucy is in college now, living in a small apartment with Dee. She was okay, her past was behind her, and her future ahead. School was going well, and she was living decently. Then, one day, while going out with her friends, she saw him. Blonde, tall, handsome. Alone. Something made her approach him, something made them converse. They shared numbers and eventually became friends, close as two platonic college students could be, and then suddenly, they were dating. Lucy barely knew anything about this man, besides the fact that he was a singer in a band and he really loved beer. The two eventually moved in together, and for once, Lucy felt as though she could actually trust this man. One year passes, and Lucy is finally able to start working as an assistant teacher. Her boyfriend's band, however, wasn't doing as hot. He came home drunk everyday, became a bit more irritable and secretive, and this only grew until finally Lucy announced her worries. In a sudden drunken rage he rose and began shouting, screaming that she should stay out of his business. She yelled back, saying he wasn't helping at all with the house, saying that getting drunk so much wasn't good for his health. The fight became loud, until the man finally began taking to acts of violence. He tore pictures from the wall, flipped tables, kicked chairs, and screamed at her while doing it all. He called her clingy, annoying, worthless, stupid, and Lucy could only watch with trembling shoulders and slowly growing rage. The fight continued until neither could keep up, and just as the sun began to rise the man left. Lucy was alone. She didn't cry. Instead, she went to sleep. The morning after, Lucy woke up to a larger disaster then before. Her boyfriend had returned a few hours after, it was obviously because the door was now open and the room was even messier, but not to pick up his things or clean up and make up. No, he returned to bash in Dee's head. The cat was still and bloody, dead. No boyfriend in sight. Lucy sobbed. One week later, Lucy had moved. She finished up college and began work. The kids brought her happiness during the day, but every night she returned to an empty apartment. Memories of her past began to appear as nightmares, and to quell these horrid sights she began to date again, but only managed to find cheaters and assholes to sleep around with. So, Lucy was alone. [b]Extra: [/b] - Has rotten luck in love - Teacher of elementary students - Loves kids - Big drinker - Hates sweet things - Used to play guitar - Hates cats - Loves to read (especially romance and adventure novels) [b]What did you wish for?: [/b] "I wish for someone who will love and cherish me." She openly wishes for love, but honestly just wants to forget about her past, mostly because she can just remember all the bad times that happened long ago. When she approached the train Lucy saw someone familiar, an older woman with hair as red as her's, and she didn't hesitate to step aboard... [/center]