[b]Name:[/b] Mia Morlov [b]Age: [/b]15 [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3wPJxm5.jpg[/IMG] Mia. Contrary to her persona, is of pretty average height and weight. Her size allows for agile movements, so that’s a plus for her. She only comes in at sixty-five inches or five foot and five inches. Her weight is usually around the 115lbs mark. Sometimes she will look heavier due to the size of her boobs. She does seem to have above average-sized boobs, especially for her age and size. Oh well, she doesn’t really complain. Her hair comes to around shoulder length, so that’s something to note. It’s blonde in color. Her eyes come at a very sparkling blue color. Like, think the color of the ocean. Mia’s fashion style usually changes with the season, but she likes to feel comfortable. She usually wears sun dresses to feel comfortable. She feels that it helps her move better and it just is a preferred style. Almost always she chooses a pure white dress that is about mid-thigh length and is spaghetti strap style. It’s a one piece dress and is easily able to slip on/off. She wears elegant white shoes to go with the dress. Fiona wears a hair accessory that pulls part of her hair back and has a tassel-like string that hangs to the left side of her head. She wears a cross-shaped pendent around her neck. Personality: To say that Mia is weird would be an understatement. Sometimes when people interact with her, they would think she is off her rockers. That’s only because she is so ditzy and such an airhead that she would appear to be “not all there”. It’s not like she chose to be this way. She’s just like that cause that is who she is. Mia is your classic blonde with almost every stereotype that follows. She acts dumb, clumsy, well you know the stereotypes. She often zones out too. It takes her a while to get back into the groove of things and this will often be the cause for concern of her friends or anyone around her. Just keep that in mind. On the other side of things, Mia is very sweet and if you can get past her ditziness, then you’ll see a girl who is just very nervous and her ditziness is a defensive mechanism to just not allow those inside. On the inside, as stated, she is sweet. She’s very protective of her friends and anyone who shows the same attitude towards her, she will protect them with her life to the best of her abilities. She carries a deep burden from her childhood and that has taught her that the most important thing in life is protecting those you love and doing anything you can to do exactly that. One of Mia’s biggest passions in life is Talk Radio and one day she wants to have her own where people will listen to her talk. It’s not that she likes the sound of voice or anything like that, but she just wants to know that, somewhere out there, her voice is making someone happy. She has this wild fantasy that she could make anyone happy by just talking to them. This comes with her wish of making people smile and never see them hurt like she has hurt. It’s probably a bit corny, but it’s just how she feels. When meeting new faces, Mia can just accept them instantly. However, how she gets to that point in the first minute of meeting them is the hardest part. She tends to run her mouth past the point of being normal. If someone just says “hi” to her, she’ll just go on and on about the way they said it or something alone those lines. She has a motor mouth, is what she has. Never knowing when to shut up until someone tells her to. Even then, it’s sometimes hard to even get a word in when she’s talking. So yeah, there’s that. Another thing to know about Mia is that she is inadvertently flirtatious. She is like this because she will, not knowing it would be flirting, complement people and even more so, she would bounce a lot, which would cause her boobs bounce a bit. As we all know, boys are attracted to bouncing boobies. It’s been like that since the start of time. Mia has no idea that she sets off so many hormones just by doing that and thus why she keeps on doing it. [b]Back-Story:[/b] Mia was born into a widely-diverse family. Her mom carries Cambodian and French ancestry, while her Dad carries Scottish and Russian ancestry. Yeah, that’s quite the heritage that Mia has. Though, with all that being true, it seems that she somehow retains a Russian look, though her hair color stems from her Scottish and French background. That’s a bit weird to some. Still, with all of that in mind, Mia grew up in Russia. Her father owns a carpet-making company in Moscow and her mother runs a daycare center. Surprisingly, she didn’t get interested in either of those fields. Mia became interested in talk radio after hearing some dude talk on the radio and that’s where she became fascinated with it. It does seem that she has had a fairly normal childhood, right? Well, up until her tenth birthday, that was the case, but one long night all of that changed. It started with the kidnapping of her older brother, Oleg. He went missing around 9pm of that night. The police looked and looked, but no one ever found him. Even after several weeks with the help of the United States of America’s FBI, there was no luck. It forced the FBI and the local police to stop looking. That’s what really made Mia go through such pain and hide herself in a façade of her now ditziness. As she began to enter teen hood, Mia began to slowly come out of her shell. It wouldn’t be until she was around fifteen years old where she fully came out of that shell. By then, she had maintained an above average GPA at her high school. It was around this time that she began to hear her friends talk about this train that would come at midnight. It was rumored to have made any wishes come true. Of course, Mia was instantly intrigued in this rumor, but she had her doubts. She wanted them to be true, but what if this was some prank that some college kids were playing on middle and high schoolers? This made Mia want to check it out. She didn’t want to just go on blind faith, but maybe that’s all she had at this point. Whichever the case, she went searching for that mysterious train of rumor. [b]Wish:[/b] Mia has a lot of wishes of little things that she would love to have, but always on the top of the list is to have her brother back safe and sound. She just wants her brother.. [b]Extra:[/b] Mia.. -Ditzy as fuck -Sometimes has the tendency to talk and talk and talk and talk… -Very friendly once you get past all of that on the surface -Will protect her friends and anyone else dear to her. -Loves Talk Radio -Loves music -Can seem out of it -thinks the color pink is the best of all colors -Likes to spin around in her white dress -Loves herself some croissants and espresso coffee