Raito and DemiDevimon stood outside of the Virus Hackers' base. Raito knew they were definitely the most lawless out of the three guilds, so to get their programs, they'd have to be more than a little subtle. But they both knew if worse came to worse, they would have to go on the offensive. "We haven't Digivolved in a while," Raito reminded the devil on his shoulder, "Are you rusty at all?" "Oh Ye of little faith!" DemiDevimon cackled, "I've been digivolvin' before you even existed!" Raito gave a low chuckle. He'd trust in his partner for now. He knocked not he door of the base and stepped back, unsure if anyone was even there right now with all of the missions and training he knew the so-called street rats did. His mind wandered to Elayne and Hokuto. While he'd never admit it straight out, he hoped they would do okay. ~ FanBeemon shrieked and tried to dodge the Diamond Storm, getting hit by about half of the shards. He grumbled lowly before flying towards Renamon, stinger pointed out wards, trying to sting the Digimon directly. "Come on, FanBeemon, keep it up!" Kouta bellowed. He had enough confidence in him to let him fight without commands, but if worse came to worse, he'd take the wheel. Kouta turned to Ren, the leader of their guild, gave her a half-smile and nodded, "Yes, ma'am. Of course, it's obvious who'll win this practice match." To say that Kouta had a little too much pride in himself and FanBeemon was an understatement,