[b]Phantom[/b] Rachel--she hadn't [i]quite[/i] gotten the hang of thinking in codenames; largely because their purpose was to protect your identity, and hers was both incredibly obfuscated and trivial to find at the same time--had spent the simulation thus far staying out of the way, and watching carefully for an opportunity. This was mostly fighting, and her advantage there was surprise, which would only work once. The villains would definitely get a lot more cautious once they knew someone with her abilities was creeping around the battlefield, so she didn't want to waste the single chance at taking them unaware. An opportunity presented itself in the stalemate between Shocker and Magnetar: neither could get anything past the other, and all it would take is a little outside interference to tip things in their favour. The invisible woman carefully manoeuvred herself into position and then struck, hitting out at the back of Shocker's head (well, more like the neck). There was the obvious benefit of disorienting and stunning him for long enough that Magnetar could win their little fight, but there was also the possibility of knocking him out entirely. Hopefully, in either case, it would be written off by the villains as Magnetar overcoming him than the logical leap to 'an invisible person hit the guy'.