Zaen was chuckling insanely the entire way there. He was a bit insane, as the people on the helicopter could tell. They heard what he was here for, and what he'd done in the past, so they were at ready to shoot him if needed.He had his Katana strapped to his back. He was going to be using that, a lot. As they hovered over the city, he could see people, most likely residents, maybe the criminals, were looking up to the helicopter. One fired at them, trying to kill everybody in the helicopter. The gunners quickly opened fire on the man, and he dropped dead. As they neared the ground, Zaen thought about what might happen in this arena of a city, most likely things that would make him happy. He chuckled when they landed, and they pushed him off. He waved goodbye to them and took out his Katana, unsheathing it. His eyes got wide with insanity and he sheathed it. He laughed very loudly, and then ran up to a building with a fire escape. he climbed up it and was on the roof. He looked over the city, This was going to be fun. He jumped off the roof and onto another one. He was parkouring around the rooftops, it was like a large jungle with flat trees that you could run and jump on. He saw an alley, with a man sacredly looking around, definitely a resident. He thought to himself. He unsheathed his Katana quietly, then jumped behind the man, and sliced his head off. The man dropped to the ground while Zaen was holding the head. He turned it around and looked at it. He laughed, first kill of the day. He put the head in his backpack and grappled up to the roof again. he began running around the roofs, parkouring, hoping to find another victim to his Katana.