Dark but lighthearted is probably what you're wondering about right now, I'll get to that. Would anyone be interested in an RP based somewhat off Persona, in the standpoint of you're a highschool student who, every night, enters a nightmare world where they are given a set goal to achieve, or suffer death and insanity. Your character will have made a pact with a spirit that gives you a specific power *it is not a powerful strength, more a specific trick that you must use creatively and in conjunction with everyone else to fulfill your goals* Dark: When in the Nightmare world, you will be facing horrors and life threatening situations. I tend to run my RPs as "If you do something stupid, you'll probably die" to prevent anyone from just going gung-ho all the time. Don't worry, I will give PLENTY of warning if you're actions would even potentially result in something fatal, I won't just kill you off without reason or without your consent. But stupidity will result in punishment *example: Running into a hopeless situation to try and fight your way out when it's very clear you need to be running, I will take a limb at best, but you'll be given the chance to redact that action and try something else* Light-Hearted: Out of the Nightmare world, you will be expected to carry on relationships *friendships and romances* and character development between players *these events should effect your character greatly, and other player's actions should as well* but more importantly you'll have to keep morale up not just for your own character, but others that will be forced into the situations with you. These extra characters will be played by me *and anyone who shows an exceptional ability to play multiple characters* and if you keep a daaaark griiim outlook, they may just up and kill themselves at very inopportune times or actively work against you. Goal: The RP will be split between Reality events, in which you are all normal high school students dealing with normal life and each other; and Nightmare events, in which you have been given a set task by the entity that has forced you into this world, and failure to do so results in either death or insanity. The end result is to find the being behind it and stop him in order to free yourselves.