Strix knew somebody needed to act fast if the team was going to push forward and maintain cohesion. The first step in that was making sure Changeling didn't get stomped into paste although if his theories on the hero were correct...but that didn't matter at the moment. He tossed a stun pellet at Chrome's face as he stomped down at Changeling so that the burst of light and short range bang of sound would give the knife-wielding hero a chance to escape or counterattack or something while Chrome's senses were addled. Even as he threw that first pellet he began a sort of run down the lines, tossing two explosive pellets at the feet of Adamant and Bulwark with one hand to try and tip the balance of the fighting with Redeye and Bullseye while firing a grapple to lift him up and away from them at the same time. As he rose and went forward he tossed an ice pellet down and far at Ember, hoping the incredibly cold temperatures suddenly released all at once would freeze the attacks on Charlotte and let her further help other heroes. Continuing the arc of his swing Strix fell feet first towards Aquamarine and Frost, tossing out glue pellets to re-stick them where Morph's gunk was failing. The insulating adhesive should hold them as his suit absorbed the fall and he shouted out as he landed. "Apogee, try to punch through from underneath, burrow down and see if the shield has a bottom! If it does then heat the shield with your heat vision as you punch and keep your eyes out for counterattacks from Sentinel and Colossus should they recover! Plasmus, if Apogee fails to punch through I want you and her to focus on heating those shields in a single spot up front! If they're made of condensed air the agitation should weaken them. More heat after all of the icing should weaken the elasticity of the human net as well! Morph, Sweep through and gunk up anyone I've downed, break some stalemates if you can but make sure they stay down!"