Instinctively bringing a hand atop his head, Tenzin cleared his throat and ran that hand to his beard, stroking it in minor embarrassment. Fashion wasn’t his strong suit; it would take help from Pema, Korra, and even Asami to help get his daughters dressed properly. None of this short-skirt and bare midriff nonsense would be the style his children would be known for. Avatar Aang’s grandchildren, he’d silently add in his mind and he took pride in his children and the legacy they’d leave in the world. Lin would know better than anyone that Tenzin was a man of close ties to the air acolyte style of clothing. The world was changing, but traditional style must still have some representation in the age they were in. [b]“No need, I am quite satisfied with my fashion sense …AND my lack of hair thank you very much!”[/b] Korra stifled a small fit of laughter; Tenzin, deep down, probably wished a little bit of the hair growing around his chin. Nodding in quiet agreement with Bolin’s assessment, Korra did see them as equals now. Lin’s resignation couldn’t possibly last that long, she was way too tough to just remain unemployed in the field of law enforcement, and had too much belief in the law to remain a vigilante. Just the thought of Lin running around Republic City in some costume taking out criminals in the dead of night was a pretty awesome image, they might even make a comic out of her exploits. Her thoughts of Lin being a masked vigilante were temporarily put aside with Bolin’s sudden announcement of hope to be an officer. That had taken Korra by incredible surprise, but somehow she figured that sooner or later this would be a thing. Bolin had, in the nicest way Korra could put it even in her head, always been in Mako’s shadow. He was an accomplished Pro Bender like his brother, but Mako just …had this air about him that made him always seem in such control. Bolin had his charm and bravery, and he was one of the most loyal friends she had ever had, and in a way this request would prove that he was ready to get out there and be his own man. Not Mako’s brother Bolin, but just Bolin, and he deserved to be somebody without someone else’s name coming up in conversation. Korra smiled at the exchange he had with Lin and had clapped quietly in support. She was proud of the man he was becoming, or rather the man he always was and she was just too wrapped up in her own idiocy to see it. [b]“You’ll do great, I know you will.”[/b] Korra bumped shoulders with him, and the talk of Bolin becoming a crime fighter had brought interest to the kids. It took a lot of looks from Pema to keep Meelo in his seat and not do a bunch of action-related moves that might involve breaking something. Ikki encouraged it by trying to give Bolin some nicknames to use when he was on patrol. Jinora …well, she had questions, a lot of questions, and Tenzin had to cover her mouth with his hand at one point for her to realize how much she had gone on. Tenzin loved his children, but when they got talking it was difficult to stop them sometimes. In time dinner had passed; the children had gotten their cookies for good behavior and were preparing for bed, leaving Tenzin, Bolin, and Korra together. It seemed that Pema and Lin wanted some time to talk to each other personally, which initially had Tenzin concerned, but Korra had assured him that the last thing Lin would do is start a fight. [b]“So Bolin’s training is indeed helping you?”[/b] [b]“Totally. Not that learning earth bending or fire bending was difficult, but it helps to have a teacher that can help guide me in the proper direction. Basics and all, right?”[/b]Korra nudged Bolin with her elbow and winked. She wasn’t a student who enjoyed the simple things and had learned more by doing, something Bolin had picked up on. Less talking, more action. Lin’s approach had Tenzin’s attention drawn, and with a quick word of thanks she proceeded towards the dock for the ferry. The instinct of escorting a female, no matter how capable, was rooted into Tenzin’s brain. Lin was a friend and much more than that once; even if she could beat anyone she wanted to without her bending this late at night, he felt that after everything he owed her at least one more act of courtesy before they resumed their lives as though nothing was wrong. [b]“Hold on a moment, I’ll come with you. Just let me tell the children goodnight. Wait right there!”[/b] Tenzin had hurried by Korra and Bolin, to which Korra had suddenly been jolted in the brain. Over the course of dinner and Bolin’s announcement, she had almost forgotten what exactly she needed to do with Lin, and for a single moment she had a very unique sense of realization plastered on her face. Eyes widened slightly, she heard Bolin’s question of concern and she looked to him, smile creeping up on her face. Placing her hands on his shoulders, the Avatar moved closer to him, shaking with a little late night excitement. [b]“I’m about to make someone’s night, no big deal or anything.”[/b] Releasing Bolin, she spun around on her heel and hobbled down after Lin, who seemed to be contemplating whether she should listen to Tenzin or just leave. [b]“Chief, I’ve got a surprise for you.”[/b] By now she might ask: What surprise could the Avatar possibly have in store for her? Or ‘Oh great, a surprise, I LOVE surprises’ with a realistic amount of sarcasm oozing into her brain. Lin was a pretty tough woman, but even she had to jump for joy after this. Coming in front of her, Korra took a deep breath and closed her eyes, reopening moments later both ominous and glowing. The Avatar State was something she was going to have to get used to, and luckily for Lin she would remember it as the one thing that returned to her the bending Amon had stolen from her. A right thumb to the forehead and a surge of strength would flow through her veins, strength locked away by Amon’s cruelty and awoken once more by the Avatar. Everything Lin knew about bending in all forms and her ability to do what she had been born capable of had returned, fresh in her mind. The feel of the earth beneath her feet would be cathartic, and what was once lost would now be returned. Lin Bei Fong was a bender once more. Taking a step back and releasing her state, Korra brought her hands to her hips and tilted her head to the left, giving a very knowing look to Lin. [b]“Don’t lose it again, got it?” [/b]