[b]Blast Girl[/b] Gah! That horrible screech... Damn it, her ears were ringing now. Blast Girl stumbled back, shaking her head. The sheer volume of the shriek left her hearing dulled and muted for a few moments... but she could still rely on her sight. The monster turning and glaring right at her... it wasn't difficult to tell what it was going to try next. Blast Girl lept back, out of reach, narrowly avoiding the monster's next strike! The claws grazed her chest armor, sparks flying as they met the metal. Blast Girl's boots scraped along the ground as she slid backwards, steadying herself with one hand to the floor. As her full hearing began to return, Blast Girl raised her fists. "I think it's time someone shut that big mouth of yours!" With that, one of her fists snapped forward... and stopped short. She didn't want to get her hand too close to that thing's mouth... but she did want to send the energy ejected from three cartridges right into its face! ---- [b]Charlotte[/b] Wow, it was really getting hot behind that shield... time to abandon ship! Charlotte caught sight of a pellet, something she recognized from the vigilante hero Strix, hurtling towards the flame attacks. If it's what she thought it was that would make this a whole lot easier, but she had to move now. Leaving her shield intact to block the flames, Charlotte... simply ran out from behind it. It would stay there for a moment, and she wasn't very fast, but she could get away from the fire, certainly. Charlotte turned, wiping her forehead. She really would need a good bath after that... "Now where was she..." Charlotte hoped that Strix's freezing pellet hit its mark. She really did. It'd make taking down the fiery one so much easier... still, her crows arrayed themselves, ready to be launched right at Ember as soon as she caught sight of the pyrokinetic and had an opening.