In his attempt to sleep the world beyond his closed eyes seemed to get noisier, The sound of another horse galloping down the drive into the stable area, "What now?!" he yelled annoyed at all the disturbances. A cloaked figure on horse back came storming in, not looking all to well, swaying strangely almost as if dazed, the figure fell from the stallion it was riding with a resounding  thump, from the groan it made Magnus gathered that it was a woman, and a beat up one at that. Before he could get up to help her, the armored lump and the stable boy rushed to her side hefting her up to a sitting position, where the lump was tending her wounds, Magnis couldn't see how because the lump was in the way. The woman was groaning hysterically, "pick a card, pick a card." she repeated as the armored behemoth tossed a box to him, ordering him to pick a card. "I believe this is an inappropriate time to play card games." he called out to the other man, as he lifted the box from the floor and propped it on a hay bail. "maybe you should," Lelana suggested softly, resting her head on his shoulder to watch the scene unfold infront of them, "it might be important.", Magnus rose silently from the floor as the knight fussed over the robed women. "let's go." he said simply, going for the saddle that rested on the floor in the corner. "why do you not pick a card first? It is not going to hurt," she said looking at him quirkily, tilting her head to the side inquisitively, then she started going on how about paper can't hurt you because it had no teeth. Between her nonsense and the hubbub going on infront of the pen he felt his nerves wearing thin. "just trust me, like you trusted me to get us out of that valley.", Magnus snapped. "will you just shut up!" he barked at her, throwing the saddle onto the floor, "I don't want to pick a damn card! And I didn't trust you, I had no choice. If there were a stronger horse I'd chosen that one but no, you were the only one!" he yelled at her, fuming in anger, his face contorted in a raging scowl. She stared at him for a few moments, shocked, wide eyed. Then she started to cry, which inturn broke his heart but before he could apologize she got off and galloped down the entrance and out onto the road.  "if you guys hadn't showed up this would have never happened!" he yelled at the in spite as he ran after Lelana. She was far ahead, he could her the distant clops on the other end of the road.