I have no clue what we're going for here, but basically the treaty of Versailles was basically a tea party of "How do we fuck Germany in the ass so hard that they will never ever try this shit again?" Then While the rest of the world was laughing at Germany's suffering, Germany was doing some underground super secret incognito shit with the help of yours truly: Hitler (ノ>▽<。)ノ and then Germany started taking territory back bit by bit. The only country that noticed was Great Brittany, and by that I mean the awesome Churchill (because he was really awesome....). Japan and italy are like: "Ey Yo! Germany senpai! Notice us cause we wanna be cool!" and Germany is all like: "Oh sure!" and then Hitler was all like: "Ey Russia! You suck!" and then Russia was like: "Fuck you I'm gunna join the ally powers!" and then ww2 was afoot when germany attacked Brittany and then germany also sunk an american ship and that's when amurica joined ww2! and then the ally powers won ww2 cause Hitler was an idiot and pissed of Stalin. The End. This has been your history lesson by Geist. Guten tag.