Various part of Rolling Girls body ached and screamed for her to stop as a number of chunks of rubble jabbed into her back, arms and hands despite the protection she wore only adding the dull aches from multiple impacts with others. While her speed had dropped dramatically after colliding into other people Rolling Girl felt as if she was still travelling at a stupid speed unable to tell which way was up. The icy chill of water seeping into her clothes helped drive out some of the dull fuzz that had fallen over Rolling Girls in just in time for her back to slam into a wall forcing her to unravel with a grunt. Chris stayed there for a while, legs spread-eagled into the air, wondering why the sky kept moving and trying to keep her food in her stomach. Finally trusting the ground to stop spinning Chris got back up, trying to rub out the dull aches rolling over her joints, just in time for a car to come flying towards in a blaze of fiery terror. Chris swore very loudly as she ran from its landing spot from where it sent out jets of more fire and heat after her. At this point Chris was working hard to stay out of both harms and her team mates way as shrapnel and attacks flew through the air alongside some crows. Behind her goggles Chris’ eyes flew wide at the sight of a very young girl fighting, well more hiding behind a magical shield from, against Ember whose fire had now engulfed the girls shield whole. While Chris had dealt with a Pyro-person before they had only been able to create small flames in their hands for a very short amount of time, ember on the other hand was on another level that Chris wouldn’t be able to deal with. Luckily she didn’t have to as an explosion of frigid air ripped a hole in the fiery sphere letting the girl leap out of it. Sliding under an enemy’s punch, making sure to throw out her own arm to take out their legs, Chris sprinted towards the girl and snatching her off of the ground as Ember threw another orb of fire that turned the concrete to liquid. “The heck are you doing dressed like that?” Chris yelled at the little witch in her arms, her arms protesting loudly against holding anything at the moment. “You’re going to get killed!” Chris felt her grip on the child weaken as she ran around trying to find somewhere safe to pause for a moment where they wouldn’t get burnt to a crisp or smashed into paste.