Arashi continued hiking through the wilderness, dragon hefted over shoulder. It wasn't exactly an easy task, however, as the dragon he had procured had decided to squirm about a bit and resist his grip throughout the entirety of the nighttime walk, which made it rather cumbersome to carry her. He was far enough away from the darn place anyway. Besides, he definitely needed the rest after that little heist he had just pulled. He also needed it for carrying the dragon, who would likely be squirming even [i]more[/i] after a night's sleep. So rather than, say, continuing onwards away from the aforementioned farm of dragons, he decided to stop in his tracks and set up camp, so to speak. In actuality, the 'camp' he was setting up basically consisted of nothing more than a fire and a bedroll. Arashi attempted to set the dragon down on the ground gently, but unfortunately all that moving about was quite the hindrance to his ability to do so. So he just ended up unceremoniously dropping her onto the ground before sitting himself down on his bedroll nearby, against the trunk of a fallen tree, and dozing off. It seemed that the dragon's fidgeting would be unanswered until... Whenever the blonde young man decided to wake up. Needless to say, for Sakura it would be a long [s]night[/s] dawn. Fortunately for the dragon, Arashi finally woke up. Unfortunately, however, by the time he awoke the sun was already high above the horizon. Or at least high enough to shine directly in his eyes and wake him up in the first place. Arashi yawned loudly before hearing his stomach growl, which made a lot of sense given it was late in the day already. So, finding the need to sate his hunger, the young thief dug through his rucksack and removed some foodstuffs. His objective was accomplished, for now at least, so he could afford to reward himself with a larger meal. Once he got to some town he could just restock his food supply after all. No real need to be conservative about it. Once Arashi finished up heating his food on the fire, he began digging in. Who knew food tasted so good after you rationed it for extremely long lengths of time? In the middle of his breakfast-lunch, Arashi glanced at the dragon he had retrieved yesterday. Now that he thought about it, he probably should give it something to eat. He looked down to his unfinished food. Well, he could spare it couldn't he? Arashi approached Sakura and took the bag off of her head. Little did he know he was to be in for a large earful. Just his luck.