[b]Charlotte[/b] There! Now she just had to- Wait wait who was this person grabbing her why were they grabbing her what the hell?! Her crows lost in the shuffled, Charlotte found herself suddenly snatched up by a taller girl. For a few moments she was completely bewildered, too much so to speak. Why was she dressed like that? Gee, was her witch outfit really more outlandish then half the other costumes around here? And it was when the girl said she was going to get killed that Charlotte fully realized what this was about. Her expression, in spite of her surroundings, sank into one of a deep sense of being completely and totally unimpressed. Oh, certainly, she had no intention of giving up her ten-year-old physical from. It was very useful. At the same time, well... not being taken serious wasn't always a disadvantage. In this case it completely was. When Charlotte spoke, her tone was rather flat. It was a perfect expression of her feelings. "Are you an idiot?" she asked. It was a rather blunt question. "Because firstly, I hardly think a training exercise will kill anyone. Secondly, you made me lose track of my crows. I had six left. Six! I could've taken one of them down with those! Am I so cute you couldn't resist running off with me? I know I'm adorable but this [i]is[/i] a combat training mission. I'm [i]sure[/i] we'll have plenty of 'adorable children' missions." She supposed it must feel somewhat surreal to the girl, in the midst of such a frankly action-packed training exercise, to have a tiny girl chastising her and making deeply sarcastic comments for trying to keep her out of harm's way. But it had to be said. "I wouldn't be here if I was as young as I looked. Let's leave it at that. Now put me down."