I may have to take you up on that 1x1 YYH offer at some point. Generally, however, I don't tend to do 1x1's; when I do, they tend to be short-lived and only exist so that I can write unbridled, and I do normally do them in a titanpad. I also most specifically find that roleplay should be centered around interaction and 1x1's minimize that. Regardless, I may revamp my AU to a 1x1. If you're interested, I could make a TP write now and we could discuss such there. On another note, I could explain where my character came from. With the new V3 remakes coming out, a pokemon RP simply caught my eye. I went through a brief skim to evaluate, found it was interesting, then did a more in-depth look. From there, I actually began considering aspects when I play a game. I rarely have a party of six. I normally have 4 pokemon; my starter, a pokemon to cover my starter's weaknesses, then two HM Slaves. I play predicatively and generally use raw power. When I do make a full team (as I have with my friends), I realized a trend of making very, very powerful setups with diversity and unlikely synergy. I could beat essentially everyone in my school with my 2 setup pokemon in a six-on-six when we played doubles, until people started making setups to counter. LickiLicky and Spiritomb made for a broken combination; Lickilicky with Explosion, Silk Scarf, then Giga Impact, Snore and Rest normally made for a potent setup if I ran Spiritomb with Hyponsis/Dream Eater. Those observations as to how I played when into the core concepts of the character, but conflicted with one already made, Ethan Bradley. I then altered those concepts to make a unique strategist, which brought forth Nic whom I developed initially from observations of my playstyle and expected parts of my own playstyle to reflect in how he would have been roleplayed. I didn't exactly find a 'theme' as much as I found a way to put a part of myself into this universe.