[quote=Zoriah] *happy bump*Give me a nice, strong human with a sexy butt :U*more happy bumps*Also, i updated my chara... his cs was a bit dullll... [/quote] Meh, having two characters will be fun. I can't guarantee a sexy butt but I'll try. Name: Preston Faulkner Age: 22 Appearance: At 5'5" (Another short guy, I know, it just worked out that way XP), he appears small and slight but is actually very toned due to his occupation, with the delicate and somewhat effeminate facial features that show up in men from his his family every once and a while. He has brown eyes and keeps his straw-black hair in a short ponytail held in place with a blue bead clip. He may look like a shrimp, but it would be unwise to underestimate his physical strength and agility even if he's reluctant to fight most of the time anyways. Heart: [url=http://image.improve.com/articles/501_600/Ruby-Zoisite-539_l_126b594305147312.jpg]The Blackbird Ruby[/url] Partner’s Magic: Protected by the elemental spirit of blackbirds, a large ferocious Redwing Blackbird entity that will fight to defend the summoner by causing galestorms among other things. Will provoke a gathering of nearby blackbirds; these are unable to do anything they are physically incapable of normally, but may swarm and attack the source of the danger. Passive Ability: Causes the profuse growth of any already existing mulberry, raspberry, blackberry or similar fruit-bearing plants in the area and only those (some new plants may also inexplicably appear, but only if the person remains in one locale for a long time); the wearer may also find blackbirds unusually attracted to places where they stay. Active Ability: The ability to summon the elemental spirit of blackbirds for protection. Romantic Preference: Bisexual, but prefers women. (I'm only saying that because I can totally see him with a guy, but he's only ever been in relationships with women in the past. So basically, anything could happen.) Personality: A total pushover emotionally, and an all-around Non-Action Guy. He's not the most socially outgoing at first, and can come off as being aloof, but up close and personal he quickly becomes a very sweet and gentle person, even a little bit nervous at times. More or less he pretends to be the cold, stoic type but he's a bad liar and it only takes talking to him a bit to see through this facade. He's the type of person who would cry at the best part of a mushy romantic movie and then do everything he could to back track and make it seem like it meant nothing at all, usually met with humoring 'uh-huh's and 'suuure's from the people who know better. He's also pretty passionate about his interests, even if he mostly keeps it to himself and redirects the fire by working as hard as he can on the things he cares about. Bio: A normal human born into a very much not normal family, Preston's first memory of his mother is when she judged him a sickly runt and tried to put him out of his misery by snapping his neck. Obviously, his relationship with her is scarcely there, but he has a close bond with his father, who is also a black sheep in the family. When he was about eight, his uncle gave him a wooden biplane toy as a birthday gift, kicking off his love of aviation and a dream of being a pilot as well as someone who could prove himself to his relatives. The dream paid off when he received his pilot's license as a teenager, and his- real- beloved biplane Blackbird, named for the fact that it was painted to resemble a Redwing Blackbird, with bright red marks on the shoulders of the wings. He works as a stunt pilot, as well as flying ad banners for companies. He ended up in Alber after a bad crash while out on a practice flight. Until now he's had little to no intent of staying once his plane is fixed, but that will change... Job: Commercial and stunt pilot. Family/Friends/Relationships: His father Alastair Faulkner, his mother Gilly Morgan, and two older siblings, a brother named Roger and a sister named Sophia. He also has a large extended family that I won't get into here, but he's closest to his nephew Conner and uncle Murray. Weapon: None Other: It's the second time he's crashed his plane; the last time a botched trick during a show resulted in a crash that caused permanent nerve damage to his left shoulder. He doesn't have as much feeling in that arm, and also has a slowed reaction time. Also, for some reason he's addicted to the MMO Maplestory, and plays as a wind Cygnus Knight named Preston_CG. (<--Don't mind this, it's an injoke carried over from a past RP and has no bearing on anything outside the occasional nod.)