Tokiko was still hesitating whether to shoot or not to shoot.She was about to pull the trigger but she stopped and puts down the gun.It's hopeless, the monsters are getting near and the gun she had is futile.Tokiko just waited for the monsters to come calmly accepting her death but then a mysterious woman from nowhere said something. "They are used to bring out your potential. They are the only way to destroy the monsters! You must shoot yourself with the evoker." "The guns are not real! They are used to bring out your potential. They are the only way to destroy the monsters! You must shoot yourself with the evoker!" Tokiko's eyes opened wide and looked at the gun then picked it up.She looked at it carefully. "So that is only way huh?" she said still looking at the gun then she stands looking at the girl who does not believe at the mysterious woman.She approached the girl and tapped her shoulder. "You wanna die?" she asked her. "if not we have to do what she said" she added aiming the gun or evoker on her head. "Let's do this!" she said "" she said slowly then she pulled the trigger.