[hider=Spawn (Christopher Welland)][b]Name:[/b] Christopher Welland [b]Alias:[/b] Spawn (Hellspawn), [i]Kid Spawn, Spawn Jr., etc. etc.[/i] [b]Role:[/b] Titan [b]Brief Bio:[/b] Ten years ago, Christopher Welland drowned after falling into a well. It was the kind of ordinary tragedy that happens in Smalltown, America as to have been utterly ignored by everyone who didn't know the Welland family. There was no heroic rescue by firefighters. There was no happy ending to the Amber Alert. Christopher had slipped and fell, breaking a leg in the process so that he had been unable to crawl back out of the flooded drainage ditch he had slipped down into. Those who attended the funeral all said the same thing, [i]sometimes bad things just happen[/i]. There no reason to believe that anything sinister was at work behind the scenes, let alone the work of the divine. No, not God, but a higher power. A man of miracles. At the same time that Christopher Welland died, along with countless other souls all across the planet, a man named Al Simmons was being tortured to death. Somewhere between life and death, Christopher's soul became intertwined into Al Simmon's very being. Al Simmons emerged from Hell with a demon's pact that had made him into a Hellspawn, trained by Violator and then the ex-Hellspawn Cogliostro - who was in reality [i]Cain[/i], the first murderer. Al was unaware that Christopher and other souls were residing in his body, until a battle in which his heart was torn out. Having become the Hellspawn's heart, Christopher was now free of Al Simmon's body. And then Christopher introduced Al to all the friends that he had made, inside of Al's body, a legion of over six thousand souls. With Christopher as the heart-key of the Legion, Al Simmons was able to overcome his demons - both those within and those without - and managed to prevent Armageddon. With the task for which the legion's souls had been prepared complete, most of the legion moved on to the afterlife. But Christopher remained behind, one of a handful of the legion's souls. Perhaps to try and make a difference. Perhaps to try and experience some shade of life as we know it. Perhaps for no reason other than to make his own destiny. For whatever the reason, he is an angel from Hell or a demon from Heaven. He is the sum of all lost innocence. He is [b]Spawn[/b]. Now he wanders, a being not of this Earth, and belonging to neither Heaven or Hell. He fights evil where he can, lifts up the impoverished, tries to bring justice to those who have none. But his greatest moment comes when he can help a soul to cross over from this life to the next, protecting them from the jealous armies of both Heaven and Hell so that they might be spared use as fodder in that never-ending story of jealousy and tragedy. [b]Abilities:[/b] As an entity composed of roughly 9,000 units of [i]necroplasm[/i], Christopher is able to manipulate both tangible and intangible effects in the mortal realm as well as in Hell. He is effectively powerless, and mortal, when in the Heavenly realm. [indent]- Super Stamina. [i]As necroplasm is denser than human bone or tissue, Christopher weighs several hundred pounds more than he otherwise appears, making his body more durable than that of an ordinary mortal. This also contributes to his strength to a degree.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Symbiote Armor. [i]Having been part of Al Simmon's body, Christopher wears an identical Hellspawn suit that is composed of an off-shoot of K7-Leetha. The suit has a consciousness of its own and has been known to act in its own defense without Christopher's knowledge. As the suit is merged with his central nervous system, Christopher is able to manipulate the armor on a whim, generating chains, capes, spikes, or altering its appearance to resemble more mundane clothing.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Shadow Teleport. [i]Christopher's unique power, making him the heart of the Legion, Christopher is able to summon souls across the Void or even through the Veil. Using this power, he was able to teleport souls from out of Al Simmons body or summon them from the Great Beyond to the various realms or spheres of Hell.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Nightmare Fuel. [i]Christopher can recharge his necroplasm by drawing in the childhood phobias and nightmares of other children around him.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Hellfire Manipulation. [i]The most basic of the Hellspawn's power, to generate necroplasm as bolts of eldritch energy.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Necromancy. [i]Christopher can summon, manipulate, command, compel, and commune with the spirits of the dead.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Flight/Phantasm Form. [i]Christopher can make himself intangible, as though a ghost, allowing him to drift on air currents or pass through otherwise solid objects.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Psychometry. [i]The ability to see psychic impressions left by traumatic events concerning an object.[/i][/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Merrily, merrily, merrily... life is but a dream.[/i] The heart of Spawn, the key to the Legion, Christopher Welland has now been dead for longer than he was ever alive. The memories start to fade, like the taste of a Happy Meal that turns to ash in his mouth. In dreams, he tries to remember what it was like to be alive. In reality, he's grown detached through the decades. The War in Heaven, the self-imposed task of helping lost souls to cross over, have all reinforced that he is the personification of innocence lost. Sometimes though, he can still remember how to smile. It is a very beautiful dream, life, when he can remember it. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://baku-panda.org/images/Titans_Chris.jpg] Originally appearing as a decomposing Hellspawn who gouged out his own eyes after witnessing Billy Kinkaid's perverse actions upon other children, Christopher's form has changed significantly since his return from Beyond. He appears now as he did when he was mortal. Or, at least, in as much as he recalls his mortal appearance. He has a closely cropped shock of blond hair and eyes that are ordinarily blue - though may glow with green hellfire when he is angered. While he is always attired in a symbiote suit, Christopher is sometimes successful in altering its form to appear to be black jeans and a black hoodie in lieu of the black, red, and white Spawn costume. [b]Affliation:[/b] Infinity, Inc. [indent]- Blossom Utonium. [i]Christopher was not a founding member of Infinity, Inc, even though his acquaintance with Blossom dates back to the Power Puff Girls. The two have a shared history that is bittersweet for his part in helping Professor Utonium to cross over from this life to the afterlife.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Dexter McPherson. [i]As a mystical creature, Christopher often offers a supernatural perspective that eschews the dogma-like pragmatism of Dexter, who is the team mate that he understands the least.[/i][/indent] [indent]- Danny Fenton. [i]The team mate Christopher is closest to, for obvious reasons, as their heroic adventures between the human and otherworldly realms often lead their interests to coincide.[/i][/indent] [b]Other:[/b] Theme song: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWRsgZuwf_8]"Demons"[/url] (Imagine Dragons)[/hider]