Cs Name: Bakuryu the Mole Gender: Male Species: Animorph Age: 21 Appearance: [img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/024/b/b/wallpaper_bakuryu_the_mole_by_raziel_uchiha.jpg[/img] Personality: bakuryu is a clam logical person who never takes unnecessary ricks he is quick thinker and a skilled fighter he is naturally cautious around humans as most humans fear and hate Animorphs and hunt them like animals because of this he will kill any human that attacks his for no reason but he show them some mercy by making the kill quick and painless Bio: Ever since bakuryu's parents where killed by a mob of humans bakuryu and her brothers and sisters managed to escape with their lives but they where separated and bakuryu's eyes where badly damaged to the point he could not heal them with his sonic healing ability Bakuryu learned to use sound to see and set out looking for her long lost brother and sister she managed to avoid unnecessary contact with humans thanks to his life detection skill and he fends off any Animorph hunters thanks to her ninja skills and sound manipulation powers he has sent years looking and will do anything it take to be reunited with his family because he is always on the move so he stays in caves he builds himself Weapons [img]http://www.shopbushido.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/k/a/kama_white_wood_eagle_head_with_handle_spikes_black.jpg[/img] Power: Sound Manipulation Animorph Power: Earth/ Nature control Markings: Scars, cuts, and general markings. Family: Kai, Haku, Robin, Cronos, Reggie, Stun, Electra, Viper, Gumo, Aleister, Orochi Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: bakuryu is blind he sees though a combination of sonar and an ability called life detection with allows him to detect life by the sounds of the hart beat however this works on anything that makes sound so the name is kind of misleading