[quote]That's not exactly correct. Many of the characters in Mirai Nikki don't want to kill and are motivated by entirely different reasons. I think you may have missed the point of the show and got too caught up in the action. :P[/quote] The entire premise is that only one person can become God, and the players are told to kill each other for that purpose. Not everyone is willing to go that route, of course, but that doesn't change that it's the idea of the game. I never talked about any of their motivations. I think you're just trying too hard to find something to complain about, to be honest. I've seen you do this before. [quote]I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Do you think that Light's way will be breaking the mold? A revolutionary RP experience?[/quote] Light's way would make it feel like Mirai Nikki and not a general "look baddies let's kill them" jrpg, yes. Not really sure why you decided to be all dramatic about it. [quote]Plot wise: How many people do you think would really be 100% A-OK with killing someone? Only the epitome of a Mary-Sue would dive into a Battle Royale no questions asked. The characters wouldn't TEAM UP TO KILL BAD GUYS. They would be allies, perhaps having already known one another before the start of the game.[/quote] ... Did... you actually read what I wrote, or are you just really desperate to miss the point on purpose? Because what I said was: it makes no sense for people to team with a bunch of others right off the bat in a game where only one can survive - because that would inevitably lead to backstabbing and needing to kill your teammates in the end. I can see it happening between people who know each other and in a smaller scale, but all the PC characters just deciding that this is a good idea? Unlikely. They would need to be like a really close family or something. What you said was: omg do you think people would be okay with killing that easily Mary Sue Battle Royale CAPS LOCK. Do you see the... disconnection here? [quote]The Antagonists would be motivated by different things. They wouldn't necessary be "bad" guys. I wouldn't imagine our characters would have no issues killing someone. The game would be psychologically challenging for them. Additionally, they would of course be afraid of each other. It's a possibility someone could back stab them. [/quote]... That... was my point. I think you should just breathe and reread what I wrote a few times. [quote]Don't be ridiculous. Even if we were to do it Light's way there would be no real "lingering threat of your character dying". We all know no one is going to allow their character to die willy nilly which is exactly why it's much better to have our group be allies.[/quote] Because not doing things the way you would is ridiculous. I love that sentiment. I've been in a lot of rps where PC character death was a thing. I've had it happen to me. It's fun. And you know, if the entire premise says that your character might die, I'd like to think the people joining would be prepared for that. If you don't feel like you could ever kill off your character for whatever reason then pity for you. You're missing out and should probably get more detached from your characters. Now how about you stop trying to start crap (again) and let people have their view on stuff, yeah? I'm at least going to stop debating about this. Don't want to clog up the thread anymore with this. I like Animus' suggestions, btw!