[center][b]Raven[/b] >Outside Male Dorms >> Outside Grand Hall exit/entrance<[/center] Raven felt her bottom jaw drop a bit from speechlessness as Liam began wondering off in a different direction. Raising a hand as if to stop him did little good, receiving a similar reaction—being none--when muttering out a [i]“wait”[/i] but her frail beckoning went unnoticed. [i]“It’s not safe”[/i] the statuesque Junior wanted to continue but he seemed determined to venture fourth. She returned her attention back to the blue-eyed freshman named Tyler, defeated. His questioning made her doe eyes widen in alert suddenly as he suspected to know her reasoning behind not going to the ball. She smiled and let out a nervous giggle while fingers scratched a nonexistent itch on the back of her head. [b]“It’s complicated.”[/b] She woefully sighed but held herself together fairly well for such a timid creature. [b]“Like I said, my offer still stands. I would be happy to escort you back but..."[/b] Her sentence trailed off while she debated on whether or not to go. The question was not would she get caught but rather what would happen when she did. [b]“All Freshmen should go, you may get in trouble if you don’t…C’mon then.”[/b] Motioning with a hand for him to follow, the odd girl began retreating to the ancient looking Academy—hopefully with Tyler following behind. The stretch of the cobalt sky while walking made the trek bearable even during the ominous night. Even with an entrancing atmosphere this place did not seem at peace anymore. Signs of decay could be found easily, CTS being the worst proof of a ravaged masterpiece. During her years Raven witnessed the progression of rot consuming this span of Euthenia. A surprise snapped her out of thought promptly after trying to pull open the set of doors. The blond distressingly peered over a shoulder to Tyler not knowing what to say. The Headmistress would be making her presence known to the students shortly and ordered the the doors to the outside be locked. They were too late to attend now. --- [center]Unknown. >The Tordred Maze | Across from Male Dorms<[/center] A blood curdling scream sounded, piercing enough to make a behemoth’s hair stand on end. It echoed through a dense forest of trees called The Tordred Maze across from the male dormitory. Although no official rule stating not to explore the labyrinth exists, it is an unspoken agreement that even brave adventurers do not tempt. Trouble makers and students trying to impress one another often take turns meeting in a location within the twisting forest, especially during this month of October. Since many make it out of Tordred unscathed, the danger lurking there is brushed aside. An unfortunate student failed on their hike this night it seemed, and could be seen emerging like a nightmare come to life through weeping vines. This person could be recognized as one of the bullies who targeted Tyler though she appeared now as a grim shell of her former self. Branches had ripped through some of her shimmering dress, and left deep gashes across the span of her arms and forehead. Crimson seeped from each wound and once tidy long hair swept up into a fancy bun had also become matted with sticky blood. Mascara drained from long lashes as her limbs flailed wildly trying to bypass the restraining thorn branches. From the looks of it no animal in these woods would have let her escape, so her hasty journey to the forest outskirts must have torn her up instead. Victoria rushed over to Liam and grabbed him by the shoulders crying hysterically. “Lilly’s dead! My friend…Hel—“ She began to say through sobs of panic but her words were a gurgled mess. Purplish black liquid could be seen coursing through her veins like lithe snakes. This grotesque substance traveled all over her exposed skin leaving a stain. A path of cloudy blood began oozing down both sides of her pale mouth as once flush skin pigmentation turned from tan to grey as if rapidly decaying. The stages of an early rigor mortis continued in a matter of seconds. Her bony hand clutched her throat trying to breathe but she toppled to the ground. Eyes void of any life remained open as she died right then and there--as did her friend by an excruciating yet unknown cause. --- [center][b]The Headmistress & Terra[/b] >Grand Hall Balcony<[/center] By the time The Head Mistress and Terra entered through the second story doors there were no longer any signs of black and white skulls attending. In fact, the Grand Hall seemed nearly empty now that the students who crashed were gone. Perhaps everyone left in fear of the wrath the older woman was quite capable of delivering. Even in a weakened state she remained a force to be reckoned with. No signs of fear ever revealed itself for she had none but could not escape the reality of mortality forever. With help from the stair railing in front of her she steadied herself before clearing her throat. “Greetings Freshmen. I would personally like to welcome you to my Academy. You may refer to me as simply, Headmistress. I will not respond to any other name. You will find no staff attending the ball besides Terra Markos, a Junior who overlooks all of you. Any questions can be passed to her. She also delivers any information I have. You will see very little of me during your stay.” Beads of sweat glistened along her blond hairline as she paused to catch her breath. “Long winded speeches are not something I personally find inspiring so I will not torment you with one. You seem like eager souls who are willing to learn. Everything is already outlined in your campus book. This can be found in a briefcase provided to you on a shelf in your wardrobe.” At the end of this sentence the Headmistress wobbled sideways a bit. Terra took a firm step forward but was waved dismissively away. “What I offer you is this. Be careful who you invest your trust with. There are others who are just as adamant in spoiling your time here as you are about learning. There are—“The Headmistress could not finish as a coughing spell took hold. She slipped the handkerchief from a long sleeve to cover her mouth as she turned away from the audience. Without warning she fainted, her fragile form plummeting toward the marbled floor. Terra reached out to catch her but failed and rushed over to tend to the woman who barely clung to life. Once on her knees Terra’s hands turned the Headmistress over, vivid red splatters shown clearly on the scarf she had coughed into.