[b]Liriia:[/b] I'm a little hesitant about Yuuko, but I do like Lucy. There are a lot of talking cats in Nowhere xD haha, even one of the guides is a cat. [b]Bunnita:[/b] Thanks for the interest ^^ but we're only looking for humans. OwO and drown you in a cup of cocoa? Wow, so far everyone is really nice :) but okay and best of luck with your RP endeavors then ^^! [b]Tundra:[/b] Sakiko is pretty cool and I don't see any problems so far. Though at this point, I'd prefer if people stopped sending in characters with Japanese ancestry. I mean, it's totally cool, but so far three of the applicants have sent in a Japanese character ^^ so let's avoid it for now. [b]Nightbringer:[/b] PM sent :D those questions are pretty relevant, so I'll post it here for the others to see as well. [Quote=Nightbringer] I assume my character would be a "Lost Soul", but the idea is that he/she would have arrived in Nowhere at the same time as all the established characters, am I right? How much knowledge of the land is he/she expected to have? [/quote] Yup, your character, like the others would hop into the train at midnight. The train is pretty huge and crowded so it's very possible he didn't run into any of the others. As soon as the train stopped, the Lost Souls began pouring into the busy station and a guide came to pick them up. Our excuse for bringing in new people, goes something like this. In the busy station, the guide does not manage to find your character and instead you go live with one of the Nobodies. Ace is an example of this :D she hopped in during the second chapter so instead of staying at the castle she stayed with a ditzy nobody named Stephen. Inadi is another example. He stayed with a grizzly bear who baked named Mr. Cuddles. The characters who get accepted will have stayed with a bunch of dragon riders in Aven. We're currently having a dark-ish chapter where we need to rescue the riders from the witch :D at the finale when we do that, your characters will also be saved. It turns out since you guys were living with the riders, the witch decided to take you as well. The knowledge your character would have would be limited to where you had to stay. Inadi was stuck in Mr. Cuddle's bakery and helped him out as a assistance so he doesn't know much about other places beside Nowhere's square. The current Lost Souls though have been from Siren lake to the Shakespearean Star Fisher so they've seen quite a lot :D! Since you guys will have stayed with a bunch of dragon riders, your knowledge on the land will pretty much be limited to Aven. Aven is a medieval city surrounded by high walls. In the nearby caves and mountains live their dragons, but recently the dragons have been going crazy due to the witches tampering. They've attacked the citizens of Sol and sparked up a war between the two cities. Aven is very MMORPG-ish in feel ^^ there are warriors and mages and things like that. Sol is pretty similar as well :D