Kenji grinned offering a nod to returning the favor as he dug in his pocket and pulled out a cellphone, it was a simple flip phone with a bit of wear and tear but it got the job done at least. He opened it and started to dial a number, he didn't say it but he could understand going it solo, but he figured it was a shame all the same her voice wasn't being shared with more people. He stared at the number in his phone before looking back up at Aiko as he hit the call button and brought the phone to his ear. "I know a guy who-" Kenji started but stopped as a voice came from the other side. "He picked up sooner than I thought hey it's Yoshida, yeah...listen do you mind if I-" Kenji stopped talking as the person on the other side started talking, he arched a brow before his eyes widened for a moment and a weak chuckle escaped from him. "Oh was that today? I thought I had five days left." Kenji moved the phone away from his ear as the person's voice exploded from it, he held it out as the man yelled through the receiver though most of it was unintelligible. Kenji held up a hand and muttered a silent 'sorry' to Aiko before bringing the phone back to his ear. "Ahahaha right right I'll have it for you by tomorrow," Kenji said. "Yep I'll work on it all I won't sleep, you should have more faith in me. Yes this is Yoshida Kenji, what do you mean that's why you can't? Look I'll call you tonight...okay bye." Kenji hung up his phone and let out a long sigh, sticking it back in his pocket he walked over and sat back on the swing before waving a hand in front of his face. "Never mind Aiko-san how about I just owe you a favor," Kenji said smiling a little. "Though there's not much I can really do, oh I could lend you my notes...well technically they're not my notes and you may not need them. Never mind that if you think of something just let me know, if I forget just remind me it'll come back to me eventually." --- Breaker followed behind Seraph his attention moving to Sonata at the comment of a home, he turned his attention forward again deciding to ignore both parts of what she just said. He still wasn't sure where this 'both' came from, there was no 'we', no 'us' and he didn't even want a 'they', if he was being honest he still wasn't happy about the you've from earlier at taking down the negative. A you two wouldn't have let such a bad taste in his mouth, but hearing that reminded him the two had work together and used...teamwork to take down the creature. Breaker brought his hand to his mouth at the mere thought of this, but he lowered it knowing he couldn't let it get to him not with the other two standing nearby. He made sure to look around since he was already here and on the tour, there's some kind of designs in the marble tiles and he wasn't sure if he was seeing it correctly but even the walls seemed to be made up of different material, one looked especially familiar but he decided not to pursue it. When they reached the lounge Breaker looked around the room not failing to take notice to the two inhabitants currently residing here, his facial expression didn't change but he was impressed by the size and look of the place. The fireplace added an ambiance that even Breaker noticed, he wasn't into places like this but he could see why someone wouldn't mind spending time here. Breaker heard Seraph introduce the two ego's and saw the man wave out of the corner of his eye but he chose not to respond and looked over at the bookshelf, when Sonata spoke to him he walked away and headed towards the bookshelf. It was a silent answer indication he didn't want to move quiet yet, he walked over to the bookshelf and eyed the books before he grabbed one off the third shelf and opened it. "You stay here under a landlord," Breaker said turning a page of the book. "I didn't realize such a system existed, I assumed everyone had their own places of residence but I suppose I never bothered to look into it either. Going off Sonata's personality and what I assume is a musical hobby I assume she lives alone." Breaker shut the book and made sure to put it back in the same place he had removed it from losing interest in the contents. "If not than I may feel a bit of sympathy for anyone that get's to interact with her all the time," Breaker said before turning back to Seraph. "Why don't we continue to the next place," Breaker said. "You have my attention at least."