A day went by and by the second morning, even though she hadn't been to see him she could literally feel the frustration and boredom emanating from his room down below her. She finally couldnt stand it and left her study for the first time since she had gotten there to trot down to the rooms of the other soldiers. She found Gron, awake and just as restless as she imagined Garanth to be and she rushed up to his bed in a frustrated mood. He turned to smile at her and he began to greet her before she cut him off. "Take him out somewhere, there's a whole giants worth of grounds around the castle, there is probably at least five women in the castle who would happily flirt with you, just keep him entertained somehow, I can't think while I know he's like this." Gron grinned in a knowing way and chuckled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed gingerly. "I wouldn't mind stretching my legs, but Vessy if thats how you feel why dont you do it yeself? He'd probably prefer you coming to his bed than me!" He laughed heartily at his joke but at the face Vesna made he shut up pretty quickly. "He wouldn't want anything from someone so repulsive as me, don't tell him I sent you." Before Gron could say anything she had left. He sighed and muttered something about stupid birds in love but still got out of bed and made his way to Garanth's room, noting the healer's coincidentally useful abscence.