[b][centre]Raven's Inn[/centre][/b] --- Murderok noticed the cat's evasion of Gryffs bow-shot and grunted. He knew the risks and dangers involved and now push came to shove it was time to really shove. He ground his hooves in the dirt and began a charge at the cat roaring as loud as he could at the animal, he could even hear it behind him as Gryff holstered his bow and began a long charging gallop also screaming a blood-curdling war cry at the top of his lungs. Hopefully the Big Cat would get dog-piled by them and pinned down long enough for the tonic to do its job, or the trap get set off whatever came first. Though as Gryff began his charge at the Cat timed to meet Murderoks own charge he reflected that this was perhaps not the best tactic. Big Cats were intelligent creatures and seeing two creatures that outmassed it considerably charging it the beast might decide to evade them and go for a much softer target, like the emerald-haired Mikan or the crazed dwarf, though he doubted the latter while animals like this did often go for carrion when it was available they generally preferred to avoid things that smelt like carrion but moved.