[b]Name and/or Alias(es):[/b]Devan Aldrich [b]Age:[/b]48 [b]Sex:[/b]Male [b]Occupation(s):[/b]Resistance leader and previously a college professor [b]Race and Origin:[/b] Caucasian. Born and raised in central U.S but spend his adult life in New York [b]Appearance:[/b] With his brown, nearly black hair, the grey hair that have been slowly invading his head throughout the years are obvious even though his hair is still dominantly brown. Although tall and on the leaner side and appears to be quite healthy, physical exertion isn’t his forte since most of his focus comes from his mind. Devan isn’t a person that usually wears outlandish clothing and is usually focused on being able to blend in with whatever setting he is in but is never found without his ring on his right middle finger with a ruby stone. [b]Equipment (if any):[/b]A ruby ring [b]Abilities/Talents (if any):[/b]Devan is a highly skilled poet and seems to have a broad (although not always very in depth) knowledge of many different subjects. Living a life as a conman in his early life, Devan picked up a few tricks and skills especially when it comes to staying out of sight of those who are after him [b]History:[/b] Long before Devan took over as leader of the resistance or taking on the position of a college professor and even further back before discovering the power behind words at nineteen Devan was a completely different person. Rather, Devan Aldrich wasn’t even a person in existence. During his childhood and his young adult years the man known today as Devan was called Richard Dalton. He was a mischievous person and was often called too smart for his own good and often found himself getting in trouble when pursuing an outlandish adventure to avoid the doldrums of life. With great potential and a sharp mind, his father was often upset with him with the belief that he was wasting him life and the potential he had by not taking school, or rather anything to do within the real world seriously. After barely graduating high school by doing the least amount possible, Richard quickly made his way out of the rural town he grew up in and made his way towards the big apple. In pursuit of anything that would catch his fancy. It would be a lie to say that Richard kept a clean life in New York as he made friends with some of the rougher parts of the city but was always carful and wise enough to stay out of the grasp of the authorities and get caught. Richard lived a life of pleasure and for the thrill of whatever life could throw at him but his biggest thrill came when he came across a poet for the first time and instantly fell in love with the idea of becoming a poet as well. His first few attempts of trying out his newfound passion was unsuccessful and after countless times of failure his mentor broke the news and told him that he didn’t have what it took to become a poet. However being a man very set and determined, Richard didn’t give up and spend two years solely devoted on the art of poetry, leaving his past activities behind. Even though he was never fond of school, in pursuit of wanting to learn more about poetry, Richard took on a few college classes and at the age of twenty one was well on his way of becoming quite proficient at his newfound passion. However the meager knowledge he learned during the few college classes didn’t quench his newfound interest of learning and expanding his knowledge. His impulsive ways of life in enjoying the short-lived excitement he could find was starting to change as he discovered the empowerment he was able to gain both with the art of poetry and his ingenious mind. As the years went by, Richard continued school and gained a doctorate degree and took on the position of teaching literature. Although he was quite proficient with his abilities and was working on improving it on a daily basis, he could never find the sort of fulfillment in his life that would satisfy him but things started to change as he heard news about a small group of poets that met on a frequent basis. With his interest perked, Richard went about to discover more about this group. At this point of time, this group wasn’t a sort of resistance as seen today led by Devan and was a peaceful group and although none of them knew it at the time, they were forming the very foundation of the resistance seen today. No one is truly sure what happened to Richard Dalton but it was rumored that he died one wintery day and is now buried within his hometown where his gravestone can be seen to this day. Years later a man by the name of Devan Aldrich emerged with not a single trace of a connection to his prior life. [b]Misc:[/b] Don’t worry, there’s more his his history after meeting the group but I decided to keep it vague so that it could be discovered as time went on.