Appearance [img][/img] Character Name - Ruri Williams Race - Werewolf Nationality - mixed African, Caucasian Gender - Female Age - 552 Height - 5'9" Weight - 170 Clothing - She keeps a green hood over her head. Her style of clothing is that which blends in with nature. Her Jacket is insulated Kevlar, to keep her warm when she is hunting. Her pants are those of military quality. She wears heavy combat boots. Weapons - Berrett M107 50 Cal Sniper Rifle or (M40a5) if i can't have the 50 cal-- , combat knife. Specialty - Sniper Skills - Tracking, Survival, great team work (She is use to working with others), sneaking, Hiding, Counter tracking. Great cook, Blends in with normal people. Flaws - Shiny objects distracts her for a few moments, When she sees a ball she has to go and kick it or something, when she is in a hand to hand fight she loses control sometimes depending on how much damage she takes, she favors her human form over her wolf. Not a strong leader. Fears - (pending) Personality - Ruri is a easy to get along with person. When you have been alive as long as she has you learn not to sweat the small things. She is funny at times, and has a sense of humor but when its time to work she all work and no games. [hider=Back story] Backstory - It all happened on Chinese new years, Saturday, February 8, 1462. The year of the water horse. Arch duke Albrecht VI van Habsburg occupies Vienna. Later that year who know a young king named Louis XII would be born later that year. This year was a year of politics and assassinations. Ruri wanted to keep to herself so she stayed in the forest living with the wolves. She lived there peacefully for years until the Battle of Deptford Bridge in 1497 where King Henry VII soundly defeat Cornish rebels led by Michael An Gof. It was then she found her way into the services of the king. He knew what she was and he protected her for he wanted her services. When Henry died in 1509, thats when she knew she had to leave. With her never aging skin many started to ask questions she didn't want to answer. It all went terrible bad in 1535 when Henry VIII declared himself head of church. She did not know who was at fault but someone was hunting down supernaturals and killing them trying to rid the country of them. So she fled again, back into the woods to hide. She was more at home int he forest then in the big city anyway. Only after years later she hears from people in logging in the woods that there is a new land that alot of people are going to across the seas. So she waited and caught a ride with a man named Fernando de Soto so arrived in America i 1539. Once she arrived she hung around for a while before setting off on her own to find out what was in this new land everyone was talking about. To her it looked no different from where she had once came. Since she didn't age she has to pack up and move from settlement to settlement every 15years or so. She did this for decades, it was the only way she could ensure she would be safe. Over the years some bad things happen she seen first hand, slavery, the Boston Massacre, the first president and even a civil war. All this made it easier for her to stay away from people and keep with the wolves. She enjoyed peoples company but humans were to violent for her taste. Until she stumbled around a small town, the smell, she knew it. All the people here were werewolves. When she arrived she was considered a threat and she would not be allowed to join the pact. She knew of Wolves and their pact but she didn't know werewolves had then too. She wanted in and she was going to do anything to get there. The year is 1862 And she had been living with them for 50years. It was not until then she found out that she was the eldest living wolf there. And that she as to lead them, a role she didn't want. She pleaded her case to give it to an more experience male or female who had been with the community longer then she had but all the other wolves here under 150 and she was the strongest of them all. So it all fell on her to protect them. In the year of 1863-65 the war cause most of her people who wanted to help their lives. With the loses, and people now questioning her leadership a job she didn't want to begin with was finally forced out in 1901 by a male wolf. She didn't even put up a fight. She knew she would have won if she did but she never wanted the job to begin with anyway. Finally one of them worked up the balls to challenge her. She as finally happy. From the first airplane, to more wars and a depression that sent the country into a downward spiral. Another war was starting and saved it. Ruri found her love for guns around when the first sniper back in 1857. most people could not even get their hands on one until about 1870, but never the less she loved them. Something about being far out, looking threw a scope and shooting a target gave her a sense of calm. Now in 2015 she has a log cabin house, her raises wolves, and lives off the land in a remote area. every once in a while she would take a trip down to the city to collect medical supply's, military book, and other items she can get by selling what she kills. Those who are brave enough to head to her cabin take hunting lessons from her. It was some time after her 552nd birthday, someone came to her and an offer. She would check it out to see if it is for her. If not she could always go back to living her days off the land.[/hider]