You know something that's really hard for me though? Creating a hateable villains. It's so easy to make relateable characters. Tragic events, human emotions, realistic ambitions, different perspectives, it all let's the audience have a level of connection with the character that makes them like them. What's really hard for me is creating a character that the audience will hate with of all their being. This fucker burned the orphanage alive? He committed genocide against all the bunnies in the land? He hates ice cream and steals candy from puppies? Sure, why not. It's easy to make crimes for a villain, but what about the [i]reasons[/i] behind those crimes? I'm not sure how to make distinctive bad guys with memorable traits that make the audience hate them. Sure, I could create a serial killer, but even serial killers had family. What I really want to know is how to make serial killers as memorable as those from Far Cry and the Batman movies. Ambitions that are borderline lunacy with personalities that contradict the situations that are in. THAT is something I could use some advice on.